On Saturday 06 September 2008 11:34:30 kafifi wrote: > FULLACK Carsten and Davide. > > Klaus, > Thanks a lot for your great job. > Good news to hear that development will "restart" soon ;-)
Ditto on all the above! I have been using vdr "full time" since about 2002. It suits my needs as a set-top-box rather than an all-singing all-dancing media-centre application (if need be, I can use plugins such as softplay or mplayer for playing back avis, etc. but that very rarely happens!). I have toyed with mythtv at times and it was a nightmare to set up and it only had very flakey DVB support at the time. I have always been impressed with the quality of the source code for vdr. It's the first proper C++ application I've had course to look through in any detail (many, many years of pure C behind me, though!) and I've pretty much learned all of the C++ I know from Klaus's well-laid out source code! :-) Many projects I've used over the years which I've built from CVS source are often broken spectacularly. By contrast, Klaus's development versions are usually pretty rock-solid. Any bugs can be quickly ironed out because Klaus knows _all_ that has been changed without having to backtrack through revision logs including changes from various coding styles! If a new feature is needed, a lot can be achieved with plugins, or create a patch and forward on to Klaus and the list. I'm sure Klaus takes on board all suggestions and - seeing as it is a hobby - will get to stuff eventually. I will not be leaving vdr any time soon! :-) Cheers, Laz _______________________________________________ vdr mailing list vdr@linuxtv.org http://www.linuxtv.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/vdr