On Sunday, 29. Juneta 2008 16:35:04 Goga777 wrote:
> yes, it's better to use svn ffmpeg version, but anyway
> from this commit
> http://svn.mplayerhq.hu/ffmpeg/trunk/libavcodec/h264.c?r1=13538&r2=13542 we
> can see that in ffmpeg "PAFF + spatial direct mode is not implemented"
> currently

But hopefully in near (?) future it is?!?

> [9784] [input_vdr] H.264:    -> pts 8176924854  <- 0 (DTS 8176921254)
> [9784] [input_vdr] H.264:    -> pts 8176937454  <- 0 (DTS 8176923054)
> [9784] [input_vdr] H.264:    -> pts 8176935654  <- 0
> [9784] [input_vdr] H.264:    -> pts 8176944654  <- 0 (DTS 8176941054)
> [9784] [input_vdr] H.264:    -> pts 8176946454  <- 0 (DTS 8176942854)
> [9784] [input_vdr] H.264:    -> pts 8176955454  <- 0 (DTS 8176951854)
> [9784] [input_vdr] H.264:    -> pts 8176957254  <- 0 (DTS 8176953654)
> I don't know what's

Neather I do.. ;-)

> concerning of
> video_out: throwing away image with pts 1143799 because it's too old (diff
> : 1019097). video_out: throwing away image with pts 1158199 because it's
> too old (diff : 1027966). video_out: throwing away image with pts 1168999
> because it's too old (diff : 1035015). video_out: throwing away image with
> pts 1172599 because it's too old (diff : 1049212). video_out: throwing away
> image with pts 1186999 because it's too old (diff : 1053726).
> be sure that your CPU is fast enough

Maybe 2x "Intel(R) Core(TM)2 CPU   6400  @ 2.13GHz"   is not enough.. I think 
that it happened because everything else (those problems PAFF and so) took so 
long time that it couldn't keep up the sync.


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