> As far as trying vdr with clear DVB-S2 channels, unfortunately it is not > possible in my case since I only have access to Hotbird, which I think > has no clear DVB-S2 channels.
yes, you are right - on Hotbird the open dvb-s2 channels absent http://www.lyngsat.com/hd/hotbird.html > As fas as changing encrypted flag, vpid, ppid and dpid, can you please > give me an example, what I have to change in the following line: > > Next > HD;SkyItalia:11996:vC23M5S1Z35:S13.0E:27500:10160+160:0;400=ita,401=eng:0:919,93B:11030:64511:6400:0 > > > > Finally, I have to mention that using multiproto (not multiproto plus) > and modified szap, I can tune to Next HD and get a lock (of course I can > not watch the channel, I just get the message from modified szap that it > has lock). which multipro's version and szap do you use ? where from did you get szap ? > Modified szap does not work at all with multiproto plus. it's strange. May be the version of multiproto_plus and multiproto is different ? > Moreover, using multiproto (not multiproto plus) and vdr-1.5.14 (with > h264 patch) or vdr-1.5.12 (with dvb-s2 + h264 patch) I have exactly the > same behaviour with vdr-1.7.0 and multiproto plus : channel not > avaialble for all DVB-S2 channels. what about the logs ? could you see un /var/syslog Igor _______________________________________________ vdr mailing list vdr@linuxtv.org http://www.linuxtv.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/vdr