Screen resolution is 1920x1080 for HDTV.
When is switch from an SDTV channel to an HDTV channel
the OSD is way to small. Looks there is no scalling to
the larger resolution.

Edgar (gimli) Hucek

Petri Helin schrieb:
> gimli wrote:
>> Reverting xine_input_vdr.c breaks the OSD scaling.
>> cu
>> Edgar (gimli) Hucek
> Could you elaborate a bit? What settings do you have, what is the 
> resolution of the video when it happens, what are the exact symptoms you 
> are experiencing and so on... I myself have not yet experienced any 
> breakage.
> But still, reverting was meant as a temporary solution, not a permanent one.
> -Petri
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