I have some problems with interlaced channels on SD & HDTV. Judder and  
jitter and its good visible when I using a SD channel with a  
ticker-tape. If I tune to Discovery HD 1080i its shaking and stutter  
around but 720P channel like National Geographic HD are smooth. I  
don't know where to look at.

My configurations  :

1.)  DualCore AMD , 2GB memory, Suse 10.3, vdr 1.6.0, regular dvb  
drivers from suse dvd and tt budget  1500-ci (cam=aston 1.07)
2.)  SingleCore AMD, 1GB memory, Suse 10.3 vdr 1.7.0 multiproto dvb  
drivers incl, some patches and  tt budget 3200-ci (cam=aston 1.07)

Booth systems has the same problem and its not related to lnb or  
signal. I have check it with my humax hdci 2000 and picture is very  
good and smooth movements.

After record some channels and ftp it to a windows system or apple its  
visible to in for example Media Player or Media Player Classic. With  
streamdev the same.


Please help me out.


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