Matthias Schniedermeyer wrote:
> On 16.03.2008 17:55, Florian Gleixner wrote:
>> Hi,
>> i use dvbcut to cut my recordings. After cutting i can rename the
>> resulting mpg file to 001.vdr, delete the index file and run genindex
>> and then i have a perfect cutted recording. This works well for all
>> recordings that are smaller than 2GB. If the file is > 2GB, i tried to
>> concat the 001.vdr 002.vdr ... files and use dvbcut to make a new
>> 001.vdr. Unfortunately vdr does not like files > 2GB. But i also canot
>> use split -b 2097152000 to make new vdr files, because it would not
>> split at GOP. Or is that not needed?
>> It would be easier if vdr could handle files > 2GB - and tools like
>> genindex too. Handling these files for playback would be enough for me.
>> Or is there another preferred method cutting files? I dont want to use
>> vdrs cutter because my remote does not really work well and i read that
>> i can only cut every iframe. dvbcuts sliders are really easy to handle :-)
> The "core" problem is index.vdr
> The field for offset into the ???.vdr-file is 32bit i.e. 4GB max. Don't 
> remember if it is used signed (which reduces it to effectivly 2GB) or 
> for 'good measure', but that's the reason for the 2GB limit per file.
> This has been discusses several times in the past and Klaus doesn't want 
> to (backward incompatible) change the format of index.vdr.
> So for short: Larger than 2GB is a no go.

Thanks, its now clearer to me. So the question is: if i use "split -b 
..." to split the files, i surely don't split at a iframe. Is this a 
I also found out, that i probably can use genindex -r after using dvbcut 
to generate vdr compatible files. It seems to split at a iframe.
2GB are small files nowaday. vdr should be probably able to replay 
bigger files even if there is no index file? But that has Klaus to 
decide i think.


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