On Sat, Mar 15, 2008 at 11:52:43PM +0400, Manu Abraham wrote:
> Georg Acher wrote:
> > On Sat, Mar 15, 2008 at 10:45:06PM +0400, Manu Abraham wrote:
> >  
> >> Is this card still being manufactured, considering that Micronas USA
> >> closed down and the Decypher has been EOL'd ?
> > 
> > There are enough chips available... 
> What about support from Micronas for the chip, with regards to firmware
> fixes etc ?

No support anymore. But most of the issues have been resolved for us. Also
the RMM card uses/needs only a small portion of the chip features. The PCI
communication is based on my shared memory driver with almost no kernel
dependencies, so we have no problems with future kernels.

The people who designed a complete STB with a standalone DeCypher have much
more trouble now...

> What i heard was that they took everything back from the Linux driver
> developer for shredding after announcing closure. Yet Micronas was
> forwarding support requests to him after taking back all sources/info.
> A pity that so much efforts put in and one fine day it has just vaporized.


         Georg Acher, [EMAIL PROTECTED]         
         "Oh no, not again !" The bowl of petunias          

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