Klaus Schmidinger wrote:
> By "texting support" I assume you mean teletext subtitles.
> Well, they won't be implemented before DVB-S2/H.264 anyway.
> So it doesn't really make much difference whether there is
> a version 1.6.0 now ;-).

Implementing also ttxtsubs would be an enormous pro for VDR in all the 
"subtitling not dubbing" world. That would make it possible for people 
to use binary versions form repositories of their favourite Linux 
distributions. I think it could bring a boost for VDR's user base (and I 
guess the same argument is valid for h.264 too). And for some reason 
distros seem to prefer versions labelled as stable over the ones with 
"developer" in the title...

But since you have made up your mind and ttxtsubs will not be the next 
goal in any case, I think I must rethink the issue and say yes to your 
original question. It is a good time to make a stable release now, if 
you are taking on such a big task as being HDTV compliant :)

> Most of the time working on VDR is fun - as long as I can work in areas
> that I am interested in. As much as I try to attend to things others
> need (like subtitles in general, for instance - a thing I personally have
> absolutely no use for), there is this slight tendency to prefer working
> in areas that I find more fascinating at the time. Right now, after
> building a new VDR for DVB-S2 and putting one of these HDe cards into it,
> I'm quite eager to see what this HDTV everybody is hyping about is really
> like ;-)

I see you are having fun for it feels like you have been quite 
productive lately :) Hopefully support for HDTV will bring along a 
restructured OSD too, made to look good with high resolution screens...


PS. To put it short, I change my vote from no to YES.

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