This patch implements support for HVR4000(lite) into the multiproto tree. It 
is an update of my patch from 2007-12-15. In contrast to the previous one 
it should conform better to the multiproto API and supports the "set_params" 

For compatibility to non-multiproto-aware applications like vanilla VDR, the 
old set_frontend calling scheme is still supported if a module 
param "legacy=1" is passed to the cx24116 module.

The patch includes the latest changes from Gregoire and Morfsta. It has been 
tested successfully with szap (legacy=1), VDR 1.4.7 (legacy=1), szap2 
(legacy=0) and VDR 1.5.13 (legacy=0) with Reinhards recent H.264 patches 
using a kernel. The problems with newer kernels like Craig 
mentioned may be resolved, but I'm currently not able to test this aspect. 

Special thanks to Gregoire for digging out some more lost fragments that were 
of great help.


Attachment: multiproto-hvr4k-2008-01-27.patch.bz2
Description: BZip2 compressed data

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