On Wed, Jan 02, 2008 at 11:38:15PM +0100, Reinhard Nissl wrote:


> Hmm, I can only think of the following scenario:
> - you've pulled before me pushing version number
> - compiled
> - installed
> - you've pulled again, this time after pushing the version number
> - compiled, using the previously installed vdr.h
> - installed
> - wonder why it doesn't work, as you have the correct vdr.h
> Try uninstalling xine-lib-1.2 first, build and install again. I
> hope it works then.
> If it works, file a bug report in xine's bug tracker regarding
> the build system. But I'm not sure whether it is correct to build
> a software which is still installed on the system in a previous
> version.

I did have a rm -fr /usr/include/xine* in my script some times ago which
I removed because I thought it wasn't necessary.
Recompiled : no change.

So I deleted /usr/lib64/xine/ and it works !!!

Sorry I really don't know what the problem could have been ???

Maybe it was /usr/lib64/xine/xineplug_inp_vdr.so which I don't have
anymore, I guess so...

Thank you very much,
Grégoire FAVRE  http://gregoire.favre.googlepages.com  http://www.gnupg.org

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