On Sun, Nov 18, 2007 at 11:32:47PM +0100, Segers,Jan J.K.T. wrote:
> how about the ASUS P5GC ?


i bought the p5gc recently; it is the only board with
6x PCI, but without onboard graphics.

the only problem so far is the onboard realtek 8169
NIC -> works not with the ubuntu 7.10 default kernel!
(the latest git kernel should work -> not tested yet)

but to something differnt:

i think it is crucial to buy something with a amd/ati
r500/r600 as graphic chip; i expect that amd releases
soon the docs to decode h.264 on the GPU! (avivo)
and with this, it should be very cheap option for a
dvb-s2/hdtv vdr!

mfg hermann

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