
Klaus Schmidinger schrieb:

> H.264 will only become interesting (to me) once there are hardware
> devices that can replay it (aka "Full Featured DVB cards").
> I am not interested in software players that might not even run
> on my 450 MHz VDR.
> Until then, normal MPEG2/DVB-S does just fine for me.

I don't think that the ability to replay HD content is required to take
over the patches. It would simply be nice to have a vanilla VDR 1.5.x
which is able to handle H.264 content.

Did you ever record or replay MPEG2 HD content?
Have you ever seen or used a FF card for MPEG2 HD content?
Though, VDR has the ability to handle MPEG2 HD content.

And I don't think that we will see a FF card which can handle H.264. Gfx
cards take over that business and once the VA API is released and
supported, those functionality will even be available on Linux.

So whenever you like, feel free to contact me regarding integration of
H.264 support. Till then, I'll try to provide updated patches, so there
is no need to hurry.

Dipl.-Inform. (FH) Reinhard Nissl

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