En/na Graziano Pavone ha escrit:
> I'm currently using xineliboutput for my other client (on a standard 
> PC), so this would be my first choice, but I've no problem to switch 
> back to vdr-xine (which I used in the past - with the network patch... I 
> moved to xineliboutput just because I don't want to patch xine-lib 
> everytime anymore..)

Note that 0.8.0 has network support built-in.
A nice feature that vdr-xine has over xineliboutput, is that it 
automatically sets itself as the primary device when a connection comes, 
and when the connection is closed it restores the previous primary device.
This way I can either watch locally with the dxr3-plugin or remotely 
with vdr-xine.


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