Mika Orajärvi wrote:
> Hi!
> I’m trying to update vdr 1.4.x to 1.5.11. But my vdr keeps segfaulting every
> time when it’s started. It takes about 2-3 s after starting the vdr to the
> segfault. I’ve tried running it only with xine-plugin (0.8.0) so far and
> without any patches on top of vdr. And i’m running vdr on Ubuntu Dapper.
> GDB gives following backtrace, any ideas? It seems to be something related
> to fonts,.. but beyond that I have no idea.

VDR does crash if you dont have selected font available.
I can crash my 1.5.11 everytime when in OSD I select font
which I dont have, I tryed with 'small font'.
Then I need to manually edit 'FontSml' to existing font,
Sans Serif.

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