
I would like to use the dvd plugin (CVS as of today) together with
softdevice-0.4.0. Plays DVDs fine but no sound. In the plugin's source code
there's in player-dvd.c:

    BitStreamOutActive  = false;
    HasBitStreamOut     = (cPluginManager::GetPlugin("bitstreamout") != NULL);

    SoftDeviceOutActive = false;
    HasSoftDeviceOut    = (cPluginManager::GetPlugin("xine") != NULL);

Shouldn't the plugin also check for softdevice? player-dvd.h says

    static bool SoftDeviceOutActive; // currently used to switch for xine
    static bool HasSoftDeviceOut;    // currently used to switch for xine

Hmmm - 

However - this patch 

--- player-dvd.c.ORIG   2006-04-09 20:35:53.000000000 +0200
+++ player-dvd.c        2007-05-11 18:50:22.871312099 +0200
@@ -577,7 +577,8 @@
     HasBitStreamOut     = (cPluginManager::GetPlugin("bitstreamout") != NULL);

     SoftDeviceOutActive = false;
-    HasSoftDeviceOut   = (cPluginManager::GetPlugin("xine") != NULL);
+    HasSoftDeviceOut   = (cPluginManager::GetPlugin("xine") != NULL) ||
+                         (cPluginManager::GetPlugin("softdevice") != NULL);

     cSetupLine *slBitStreamOutActive = NULL;
     if(HasBitStreamOut) {

leads to 

May 11 18:52:00 linvdr vdr: [3894] dvd-plugin: SoftDeviceOutActive=1, 

but still no sound, but a whole lot of 

May 11 18:52:20 linvdr vdr: [3894] ERROR: dvd-plugin iframeassembler full 524772
May 11 18:52:20 linvdr vdr: [3982] [softdevice-audio] samplerate: 22050Hz, 
channels: #2
May 11 18:52:20 linvdr vdr: [3982] [softdevice-audio] Device 'spdif-48', 
Samplerate 22050 Channels 2
May 11 18:52:20 linvdr vdr: [3982] [softdevice-audio] Period size 1152 Buffer 
size 6915
May 11 18:52:20 linvdr vdr: [3982] [softdevice-audio] Hardware initialized
May 11 18:52:20 linvdr vdr: [3982] [softdevice-audio] samplerate: 48000Hz, 
channels: #2
May 11 18:52:20 linvdr vdr: [3982] [softdevice-audio] Device 'spdif-48', 
Samplerate 48000 Channels 2
May 11 18:52:20 linvdr vdr: [3982] [softdevice-audio] Period size 1152 Buffer 
size 9216
May 11 18:52:20 linvdr vdr: [3982] [softdevice-audio] Hardware initialized

spdif-48 is a plug that resamples everything to 48 kHz:

pcm.spdif-48 {
    type plug
    slave.pcm "spdif"
    slave.rate 48000

Seems softdevice-audio doesn't get any useful data from dvd:

[mp2 @ 0xb79e7148]header missing skiping one byte


libdvdnav: Using dvdnav version 0.1.10 from http://dvd.sf.net
libdvdnav: DVD Title: VDRCONVERT_11-05-2007
libdvdnav: DVD Serial Number: 464496BE00000000
libdvdnav: DVD Title (Alternative):
libdvdnav: Unable to find map file '//.dvdnav/VDRCONVERT_11-05-2007.map'
libdvdnav: DVD disk reports itself with Region mask 0x00000000. Regions: 1
2 3 4 5 6 7 8
libdvdnav: Language 'de' not found, using 'en' instead
libdvdnav: Menu Languages available: en
libdvdnav: Language 'de' not found, using 'en' instead
libdvdnav: Menu Languages available: en
libdvdnav: Language 'de' not found, using 'en' instead
libdvdnav: Menu Languages available: en
libdvdnav: Language 'de' not found, using 'en' instead
libdvdnav: Menu Languages available: en
libdvdnav: Language 'de' not found, using 'en' instead
libdvdnav: Menu Languages available: en
libdvdnav: Language 'de' not found, using 'en' instead
libdvdnav: Menu Languages available: en
[mpegdecoder] Error! Codec 86020 not supported by libavcodec
[mpegdecoder] Error! Codec 86020 not supported by libavcodec

The DVD was created using vdrconvert-CVS and plays fine on my standalone
DVD player, so no region code and the generic name. Is that vdrconvert's


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