Am Montag, 16. April 2007 21:57 schrieb Udo Richter: > Hans-Peter Jansen wrote: > > Hi, > > > > we're suffering from continuous vdr restarts every few minutes during > > recording of certain programs, while this is spat into syslog: > > [...] > > The signal quality looks fine. > > Did you check the signal quality of the second card, or just the first > card? The femon plugin allows to manually switch to the second card for > receiving.
Ahh, just learned that now, but testing it with a ZDF recording leads to restarts every minute. Checking femon on #2 showed the upper stroke at 65% (slightly in yellow area), the lower at about 82%, but Video/Audio rates were zero. Funny, I started the recording while femon was active on #2, thus vdr took #1 for the recording, and this succeeded (001.vdr). Stopped femon, stopped and restarted the recording via vdradmin, vdr took #2 for the recording as expected, and the restart loop got going again. Something is definitely wrong with #2. This is reflected in the recording dir and the log: Apr 17 01:13:03 ziggy vdr: [19815] switching device 2 to channel 2 Apr 17 01:13:03 ziggy vdr: [19815] timer 29 (2 0035-0230 'Kleines Fernsehspiel Dancefloor Caballeros ') start Apr 17 01:13:03 ziggy vdr: [19815] Title: 'Kleines Fernsehspiel Dancefloor Caballeros' Subtitle: 'TV -Roadmovie D/2006' Apr 17 01:13:03 ziggy vdr: [19815] record /video0/Kleines_Fernsehspiel_Dancefloor_Caballeros/2007-04 - Apr 17 01:13:03 ziggy vdr: [19815] cFileName::SetOffset: removing zero-sized file /video0/Kleines_Fe rnsehspiel_Dancefloor_Caballeros/2007-04- Apr 17 01:13:03 ziggy vdr: [19815] recording to '/video0/Kleines_Fernsehspiel_Dancefloor_Caballeros/ 2007-04-' Apr 17 01:13:03 ziggy vdr: [19831] file writer thread started (pid=19815, tid=19831) Apr 17 01:13:03 ziggy vdr: [19832] recording thread started (pid=19815, tid=19832) Apr 17 01:13:03 ziggy vdr: [19833] receiver on device 2 thread started (pid=19815, tid=19833) Apr 17 01:13:03 ziggy vdr: [19834] TS buffer on device 2 thread started (pid=19815, tid=19834) Apr 17 01:13:05 ziggy vdr: [19820] channel 2 (ZDF) event Die 17.04.2007 00:40-02:20 (VPS: 17.04 00:4 0) 'Kleines Fernsehspiel Dancefloor Caballeros' status 4 Apr 17 01:13:05 ziggy vdr: [19820] channel 13 (KiKa) event Mon 16.04.2007 21:00-06:00 (VPS: 16.04 21 :00) 'Sendeschluss' status 4 Apr 17 01:13:19 ziggy vdr: [19825] EPGSearch: search timer update started Apr 17 01:13:20 ziggy vdr: [19825] EPGSearch: search timer update finished Apr 17 01:13:34 ziggy vdr: [19831] ERROR: video data stream broken Apr 17 01:13:34 ziggy vdr: [19831] initiating emergency exit Apr 17 01:13:34 ziggy vdr: [19815] emergency exit requested - shutting down > Does this only happen on Pro7/Sat1/Kabel1? If yes, its most probably > DECT telephone interference, in rare cases it may be related to all > vertical transmissions. In any case you may want to switch to the new > transponder. See Did that, but unfortunately, it wasn't the reason :-(. But thanks for the heads up - didn't notice before. > There may be additional side effects, for example, what channel the > first card is tuned to, or whether the first card is tuned at all > (recording playback), and others. > > Generally, keep an eye on cables and connectors, bad connections are a > common source of trouble. Will check #2 cabling tomorrow. Thanks, Udo. Pete _______________________________________________ vdr mailing list