On Sat, Aug 05, 2006 at 02:52:30PM +0200, Jörn Reder wrote:
> Hiho,
> I'm a happy VDR user for years and recently installed a common interface
> to receive pay TV.
> I'm having problems with VDR's decision of recording devices. The 1.4 
> change log states that budget cards are preferred, unfortunately my 
> budget card has the CI. So when a recording starts and no pay TV channel
> is actually tuned, the CI device is blocked and I can't switch to a pay
> TV channel anymore (whithout stopping the recording).
> Is it possible to tell VDR to prefer my FF card for recordings instead 
> of my CI budget device?

yep, just adjust the priority calculations in device.c
so that the full featured card wins over the budget one
(or even better, add a new check for CI ...)

    imp <<= 1; imp |= device[i]->HasDecoder(); 


> Regards,
> Joern
> -- 
>  .''`.  Jörn Reder <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> : :' :  http://www.exit1.org/ http://www.zyn.de/
> `. `'
>   `-    Debian GNU/Linux -- The power of freedom

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