On 26/04/2024 10:34, zhou via USRP-users wrote:
Hello all,

When calibrating X410
uhd_cal_tx_dc_offset --verbose --args=',mgmt_addr=' --freq_start 2e9 --freq_stop 7.2e9 --precision 0.00001 --freq_step 5e6 --subdev="A:0"

Error happened:
Error: This board does not have the CAL antenna option, cannot self-calibrate.

Looking at the page
X410 uses ZBX daughterboard. It seems that X410 can't use the self-cal commands.

Then how to calibrate it?


The cal_xx_dc_offset and cal_cc_iq_balance utilities are designed for USRPs with discrete daughtercards based on direct-conversion   RF chains.   The X410 absolutely isn't that.  The ZBX board does downconversion, but using a "low" IF that can be directly   sampled by the RFSoC.  There's no utility in calibrating DC offset and IQ balance on this radio.

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