Hi there. My problem is that even after calibration I can clearly see the
mirror channel on my USRP N 210 with SBX. Maybe someone will tell you how
to solve this problem. This problem is observed on several boards and
different boards.

вт, 16 июн. 2020 г. в 17:28, Michael Dickens <michael.dick...@ettus.com>:

> Hi Ivan - OK; so you got the GRC <-> GR <-> UHD <-> GPIO access to work?
> Well done!
> As for your next question about tuning times: the E313 is the same as an
> E310 in terms of the USRP part. Here's my understanding:
> Tuning times if the frequencies do not require changing out a RX filter
> should be around 25 ms; jumping between RX filters should be more like 125
> ms; we use a different "RX filter" for each different frequency range.
> These are -very- typical tuning times for the E31x series; actually, this
> is true for most of our USRPs except the N3xy series which are
> intentionally designed with fast frequency switching in mind (among other
> attributes).
> In theory one could speed up tuning via FPGA code. I'm not an FPGA
> programmer, so I don't know how to do this nor the complexity of doing so
> -- just that in theory it could be done for specific user needs.
> I hope this is useful! - MLD
> ---
> Michael Dickens
> Ettus Research Technical Support
> Email: supp...@ettus.com
> Web: https://ettus.com/
> On Tue, Jun 16, 2020 at 6:39 AM Ivan Zahartchuk <adray0...@gmail.com>
> wrote:
>>   Hello. I nevertheless got to work and equipment and everything worked
>> out for me. Gpio works. It turns out that in theory, you can connect to it
>> through dev as well as to the gps receiver. I have one more question for
>> you. I plan to also use the E313 as a frequency tunable scanning receiver.
>> But as far as I was written before (and I was convinced of this myself)
>> that the frequency tuning is slow due to the configuration of the filters
>> on the board. Tell me how can I get around this and speed up the scan. I
>> want to achieve a speed of at least 1ms at 50 MHz and the frequency tuning
>> itself in the E310 takes about 100 ms.
>> пт, 29 мая 2020 г. в 23:28, Michael Dickens <michael.dick...@ettus.com>:
>>> Hi Ivan - It was a crazy week for me; I still don't even have the
>>> required software installed; putting out so many fires I can't count them
>>> any longer! I sincerely hope next week is less stressful, and I can make
>>> progress on getting things installed. Have you made any progress on your
>>> end? Cheers & happy weekend again! - MLD
>>> ---
>>> Michael Dickens
>>> Ettus Research Technical Support
>>> Email: supp...@ettus.com
>>> Web: https://ettus.com/
>>> On Mon, May 25, 2020 at 6:36 PM Ivan Zahartchuk <adray0...@gmail.com>
>>> wrote:
>>>>   Hello. There are no changes so far. There is no way to get to the
>>>> equipment. Waiting for your feedback on the code. Have a nice weekend))))
>>>> вт, 19 мая 2020 г. в 00:19, Michael Dickens <michael.dick...@ettus.com
>>>> >:
>>>>> HI Ivan - Happy Monday! I hope you had a good weekend. I took an extra
>>>>> part day off on both ends, which made for a lovely elongated time. I'll
>>>>> take a look at your code shortly; I'm moving between computers, so I'll
>>>>> need to create the UHD + GR Release + gr-ettus master
>>>>> installs for testing this. Always a good time getting a new computer, but
>>>>> it does take time to set it up reasonably well! Any updates on your end? -
>>>>> MLD
>>>>> ---
>>>>> Michael Dickens
>>>>> Ettus Research Technical Support
>>>>> Email: supp...@ettus.com
>>>>> Web: https://ettus.com/
>>>>> On Fri, May 15, 2020 at 9:46 AM Ivan Zahartchuk <adray0...@gmail.com>
>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>> Thanks for your support. The archive has a file for USRP E310 and for
>>>>>> PC. For now, I'm just sending a request via gnuradio using the slider. I
>>>>>> just have not figured out get_gpio_attr but the fact that the values 
>>>>>> change
>>>>>> there gives me hope that this works.
>>>>>> пт, 15 мая 2020 г. в 00:09, Michael Dickens <
>>>>>> michael.dick...@ettus.com>:
>>>>>>> That's some positive progress, Ivan! Do you have any code you can
>>>>>>> pass on to me to try? I have a variety of USRPs around that should be
>>>>>>> usable with GPIO; doesn't need to be an E310 specifically (that's what 
>>>>>>> my
>>>>>>> notes tell me you're using ... yes?). I also have both UHD and 
>>>>>>> the
>>>>>>> 3.15.LTS branch available for testing. - MLD
>>>>>>> ---
>>>>>>> Michael Dickens
>>>>>>> Ettus Research Technical Support
>>>>>>> Email: supp...@ettus.com
>>>>>>> Web: https://ettus.com/
>>>>>>> On Thu, May 14, 2020 at 3:50 PM Ivan Zahartchuk <adray0...@gmail.com>
>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>> Hello. Yes, I have advanced in this direction. Indeed, I figured out a 
>>>>>>>> bit with GPIO. The idea is to initialize usrp_source earlier than the 
>>>>>>>> RFNoC block (I don’t know what this is related to), and then I avoid 
>>>>>>>> the error and in theory I have the same access to gpio. But when 
>>>>>>>> calling the get_gpio_banks command. “FP0” is returned to me and not 
>>>>>>>> “INTO”; I have not yet carried out any further experiments in 
>>>>>>>> connection with quarantine.
>>>>>>>> чт, 14 мая 2020 г. в 22:29, Michael Dickens <
>>>>>>>> michael.dick...@ettus.com>:
>>>>>>>>> Hi Ivan - I'm glad to hear you got the firmware / FPGA images
>>>>>>>>> sorted out. That's really quite something! I'll need to do some 
>>>>>>>>> playing
>>>>>>>>> around with how to do GPIO in UHD C++. I'm confident there's a way 
>>>>>>>>> ... just
>>>>>>>>> need the right "special sauce" if you know what I mean. Maybe you've 
>>>>>>>>> made
>>>>>>>>> progress on this end? - MLD
>>>>>>>>> ---
>>>>>>>>> Michael Dickens
>>>>>>>>> Ettus Research Technical Support
>>>>>>>>> Email: supp...@ettus.com
>>>>>>>>> Web: https://ettus.com/
>>>>>>>>> On Mon, May 11, 2020 at 4:04 PM Ivan Zahartchuk <
>>>>>>>>> adray0...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>> If I understand you correctly, then I need to create another
>>>>>>>>>> block uhd
>>>>>>>>>> self.uhd_usrp_source = uhd.usrp_source (         ",". join (("",
>>>>>>>>>> "")),         uhd.stream_args (         cpu_format = "fc32",
>>>>>>>>>>         channels = range (1),         ),         )
>>>>>>>>>> so I created it. But I don’t understand how it works since I
>>>>>>>>>> don’t connect it anywhere and I get an error
>>>>>>>>>>  [WARNING] [RFNOC] [legacy compat] Not enough FIFO ports to
>>>>>>>>>> connect, not all TX sinks will be connected [WARNING] [RFNOC]
>>>>>>>>>> [legacy_compat] No DDCs detected. You will only be able to receive 
>>>>>>>>>> at the
>>>>>>>>>> radio frontend rate. [WARNING] [RFNOC] [legacy_compat] No DUCs 
>>>>>>>>>> detected.
>>>>>>>>>> You will only be able to transmit at the radio frontend rate. 
>>>>>>>>>> [WARNING]
>>>>>>>>>> [RFNOC] Assuming max packet size for 0 / Radio_0 thread 
>>>>>>>>>> [thread-per-block
>>>>>>>>>> [0]: <block uhd_rfnoc_FIFO (7)>]: RuntimeError: On node 0 / FIFO_0, 
>>>>>>>>>> output
>>>>>>>>>> port 0 is already connected.
>>>>>>>>>>  If somewhere there are examples of how to get to gpio correctly,
>>>>>>>>>> I would be very grateful if you would provide them to me. I figured 
>>>>>>>>>> out the
>>>>>>>>>> FPGA firmware and now the only problem is gpio.
>>>>>>>>>> пн, 11 мая 2020 г. в 17:58, Michael Dickens <
>>>>>>>>>> michael.dick...@ettus.com>:
>>>>>>>>>>> Hi Ivan - I was out last week; here now for a few days. Please
>>>>>>>>>>> keep supp...@ettus.com on CC so that someone there can try to
>>>>>>>>>>> help you when I'm away.
>>>>>>>>>>> Here's a summary of the discussion with the Ettus R&D person I
>>>>>>>>>>> spoke with about accessing the GPIO via GRC: you have to create a 
>>>>>>>>>>> UHD USRP
>>>>>>>>>>> Source/Sink object, then you use it to access the underlying C++ 
>>>>>>>>>>> USRP
>>>>>>>>>>> object (via Python) to obtain the GPIO API. You can't access the 
>>>>>>>>>>> UHD GPIO
>>>>>>>>>>> API from RFNoC blocks; there is no USRP object to provide access.
>>>>>>>>>>> Are you still having issues with the FPGA creation? If so,
>>>>>>>>>>> please update me on where you're at and I'll do what I can to help. 
>>>>>>>>>>> - MLD
>>>>>>>>>>> ---
>>>>>>>>>>> Michael Dickens
>>>>>>>>>>> Ettus Research Technical Support
>>>>>>>>>>> Email: supp...@ettus.com
>>>>>>>>>>> Web: https://ettus.com/
>>>>>>>>>>> On Thu, May 7, 2020 at 7:38 AM Ivan Zahartchuk <
>>>>>>>>>>> adray0...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>> Hello. Sorry to bother you so often. But I really want to
>>>>>>>>>>>> understand this board and firmware. I solved the problem with the 
>>>>>>>>>>>> fact that
>>>>>>>>>>>> I did not create an image for FPGA. The problem was that at 
>>>>>>>>>>>> startup, the
>>>>>>>>>>>> rfnoc_ce_auto_inst_e31x.v configuration file is created, which 
>>>>>>>>>>>> also tells
>>>>>>>>>>>> which blocks to compile for VIvado. But the next time you call
>>>>>>>>>>>> ./uhd_image_builder, this file is not replaced with a new one, but 
>>>>>>>>>>>> the
>>>>>>>>>>>> rfnoc_ce_auto_inst_e310.v file is created, which does not 
>>>>>>>>>>>> participate in
>>>>>>>>>>>> further work. But I also had questions about the GPIO.
>>>>>>>>>>>> вс, 3 мая 2020 г. в 14:09, Ivan Zahartchuk <adray0...@gmail.com
>>>>>>>>>>>> >:
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Hello. Your colleagues haven’t answered anything yet? Tell me,
>>>>>>>>>>>>> could you generate firmware for RFNoC and drop it to me. Sorry to 
>>>>>>>>>>>>> ask a
>>>>>>>>>>>>> lot, I just can not test the error with generating a bit file for 
>>>>>>>>>>>>> FPGA
>>>>>>>>>>>>> differently.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> ср, 29 апр. 2020 г. в 08:11, Ivan Zahartchuk <
>>>>>>>>>>>>> adray0...@gmail.com>:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Thanks! I found out that the problem in the firmware comes
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> from applications for creating this firmware. After opening the 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> firmware
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> using Vivado, I found in it the same FIR block that I did not 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> add there.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Perhaps this is due to the fact that I installed the wrong 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> version of
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Vivado. Because I also don’t generate the dts file that is 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> needed for
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> firmware. I installed Vivado 18.3 HL System Edition.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ср, 29 апр. 2020 г. в 00:12, Michael Dickens <
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> michael.dick...@ettus.com>:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Hi Ivan - Let me discuss your query with the Ettus R&D guy
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> who handles gr-uhd. Hopefully he'll be able to clarify your 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> query. - MLD
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ---
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Michael Dickens
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Ettus Research Technical Support
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Email: supp...@ettus.com
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Web: https://ettus.com/
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> On Mon, Apr 27, 2020 at 7:59 PM Ivan Zahartchuk <
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> adray0...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Unfortunately for all this time I have not come a step closer 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> to solving my problems. I don’t know how to solve the problem 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> with flashing fpga.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I even reinstalled ubuntu but it did not help. The only 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> assumption is that the board has its own memory that is not 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> erased after overwriting the SD card. But this is also 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> doubtful.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> In addition, I still didn’t get to switch to the GPIO through 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the RFNoC block and I am thinking about returning to version 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 3.14. But honestly I would like to deal with this version.
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