On Sun, Aug 16, 2020 at 9:35 AM Daniel Ozer via USRP-users <
usrp-users@lists.ettus.com> wrote:

> first of all thanks for the great answers,
> still i have few questions:
> 1. Is the crossbar is capable to transfer data between 2 rfnoc blocks at
> maximum rate of the crossbar clock ?(bus_clk=187.5MHZ)
> "Yes.  Each port can handle 200MHz worth of bandwidth, but it cannot
> handle full bandwidth from both radios at the same time.  You'd need
> multiple crossbar ports for that."
> Why is the crossbar not capable of handling both radio blocks full
> bandwidth at the same time? if each radio block is a different instance it
> seems like it should work.

The crossbar is capable of doing it, but one single port on the crossbar
can't process all the bandwidth.  Figure it's 187.5 MHz at 64-bits wide (8
bytes).  That's a total of 1500 MBytes/sec that can be transferred.  A
single channel that consists of 200 MHz of bandwidth, with I and Q both
consisting of 16-bits - so 4 bytes total - is 800 MBytes/sec.  Add in
another channel, and the single ports bandwidth has been exceeded.

Does this make sense to you?

> 3. I have a chain :  rfnoc: signal source -> rfnoc: DUC (1M to 200M) ->
> rfnoc:radio_block.
> how is it possible that the connection between the duc and the radio block
> doesn't throw an error because the transfer rate is bigger than the clk
> speed of the crossbar ?
> "The bus widths are different between the two domains.  Most everything on
> ce_clk is 32-bit IQ samples, whereas the bus_clk domain is 64-bits wide."
> I tried to find inside the pre-made rfnoc block such as DUC where 2 IQ
> 32bit samples are coupled to 64bit bus and i didn't find . Are the samples
> supposed to be coupled before leaving the rfnoc block or it something that
> i should implement in my block?

It's handled in the axi_wrapper here:


>  "An easy way to decrease the latency, at the expense of more overhead, is
> to simply decrease the packet size. (There's some lower limits here... a
> packet size of like 4-10 would probably be troublesome, but I've heard
> 60ish is a reasonable number and should decrease latency down to 300
> nanoseconds or so assuming ce_clk 200 MHz)  "
> How can i decrease the size of the packet in the noc_shell?

SPP is a parameter you can pass into the host code and it should try to
limit the sizes of things.

You can also force it by instantiating a packet_resizer:


... but I would really think about the requirement.  There's a header
associated with each packet, and the more headers you put on, the lower
efficiency you get.

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