
I was wondering if anyone had encountered the following error and had a way
to fix it?

[INFO] [UHD] linux; GNU C++ version 4.9.2; Boost_105700;
[INFO] [E300] Loading FPGA image: /home/root/localinstall/e300.bit...
[INFO] [E300] FPGA image loaded
[INFO] [E300] Detecting internal GPS
.... [INFO] [E300] GPSDO found
[INFO] [E300] Initializing core control (global registers)...

[INFO] [E300] Performing register loopback test...
[INFO] [E300] Register loopback test passed
[INFO] [0/Radio_0] Initializing block control (NOC ID: 0x12AD100000000000)
[WARNING] [RFNOC] Can't find a block controller for key SplitStream, using
default block controller!
[INFO] [0/SplitStream_0] Initializing block control (NOC ID:
[ERROR] [UHD] Exception caught in safe-call.
  in ctrl_iface_impl<_endianness>::~ctrl_iface_impl() [with
uhd::endianness_t _endianness = (uhd::endianness_t)1u]
  at /home/jon/rfnoc_3.14.1.1/src/uhd/host/lib/rfnoc/ctrl_iface.cpp:52
this->send_cmd_pkt(0, 0, true); -> EnvironmentError: IOError: Block ctrl
(CE_01_Port_21) no response packet - AssertionError: bool(buff)
  in uint64_t ctrl_iface_impl<_endianness>::wait_for_ack(bool, double)
[with uhd::endianness_t _endianness = (uhd::endianness_t)1u; uint64_t =
long long unsigned int]
  at /home/jon/rfnoc_3.14.1.1/src/uhd/host/lib/rfnoc/ctrl_iface.cpp:142

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "", line 283, in <module>
  File "", line 272, in main
    tb = top_block_cls(fft_size=options.fft_size,
fpga_path=options.fpga_path, freq=options.freq, gain=options.gain,
host_ip_addr=options.host_ip_addr, samp_rate=options.samp_rate,
tdecay=options.tdecay, trise=options.trise)
  File "", line 43, in __init__
    self.device3 = variable_uhd_device3_0 =
ettus.device3(uhd.device_addr_t( ",".join(('type=e3x0',
"master_clock_rate=%d,fpga=%s" % (samp_rate,fpga_path))) ))
line 1307, in make
    return _ettus_swig.device3_make(*args, **kwargs)
RuntimeError: EnvironmentError: IOError: [0/SplitStream_0] sr_read64()
failed: EnvironmentError: IOError: Block ctrl (CE_01_Port_21) no response
packet - AssertionError: bool(buff)
  in uint64_t ctrl_iface_impl<_endianness>::wait_for_ack(bool, double)
[with uhd::endianness_t _endianness = (uhd::endianness_t)1u; uint64_t =
long long unsigned int]
  at /home/jon/rfnoc_3.14.1.1/src/uhd/host/lib/rfnoc/ctrl_iface.cpp:142

This is only occurring when I use the split stream block in RFNoC. I have
tried the fixes in [1] but unfortunately they have not helped. Also, fix 1,
I can't seem to before b/c I am missing the file
rfnoc_ce_auto_inst_<device>.v  as shown from the output when attempting a
"find" command in Ubuntu.

find: ‘rfnoc_ce_auto_inst_e310.v’: No such file or directory

I ran it on both ~/* and /* with no luck.

Jon Lockhart

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