On 06/12/2019 03:34 AM, Paolo Palana wrote:
Hello Marcus, thank you for your reply.You are perfectly right. The
configuration is as follow.
1) I've my devel machine
2) on the same LAN (through gigabit switch) there is the machine where
the n310 is connected.
3) Both machines have ubuntu 16.04 amd64 and vivavdo tools 2017.4
4) on the machine with the n310 is running hw_server (launched as root
with the option -d)
5) I connect, with the vivado hardware manager from my devel machine to
the remote machine with the n310.
6) the configuration bitstream is then "programmed" from my devel machine.
* the communication between my machine and remote machine seems to be
ok. I can read from the vivado gui the values of the device properties
(e.g. the dna value).
* I can ssh into the n310 and works fine also the serial console (tested
with screes as described here
* all file in /dev/seria/by-id are present
* with the same machines involved I'm perfectly able to configure my X310.
INFO: [IP_Flow 19-234] Refreshing IP repositories
INFO: [IP_Flow 19-1704] No user IP repositories specified
connect_hw_server -url xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx:3121
INFO: [Labtools 27-2285] Connecting to hw_server url
current_hw_target [get_hw_targets */xilinx_tcf/Digilent/xxxxxxxxxxxxx]
set_property PARAM.FREQUENCY 15000000 [get_hw_targets
INFO: [Labtoolstcl 44-466] Opening hw_target
current_hw_device [get_hw_devices xc7z100_1]
refresh_hw_device -update_hw_probes false [lindex [get_hw_devices
xc7z100_1] 0]
INFO: [Labtools 27-1434] Device xc7z100 (JTAG device index = 1) is
programmed with a design that has no supported debug core(s) in it.
WARNING: [Labtools 27-3361] The debug hub core was not detected.
1. Make sure the clock connected to the debug hub (dbg_hub) core is a
free running clock and is active.
2. Make sure the BSCAN_SWITCH_USER_MASK device property in Vivado
Hardware Manager reflects the user scan chain setting in the design and
refresh the device. To determine the user scan chain setting in the
design, open the implemented design and use 'get_property
C_USER_SCAN_CHAIN [get_debug_cores dbg_hub]'.
For more details on setting the scan chain property, consult the Vivado
Debug and Programming User Guide (UG908).
set_property PROBES.FILE {} [get_hw_devices xc7z100_1]
set_property FULL_PROBES.FILE {} [get_hw_devices xc7z100_1]
set_property PROGRAM.FILE {/tmp/usrp_n310_fpga_XG.bit} [get_hw_devices
program_hw_devices [get_hw_devices xc7z100_1]
ERROR: [Labtools 27-3165] End of startup status: LOW
program_hw_devices: Time (s): cpu = 00:00:10 ; elapsed = 00:00:12 .
Memory (MB): peak = 6656.473 ; gain = 0.000 ; free physical = 26786 ;
free virtual = 62498
ERROR: [Common 17-39] 'program_hw_devices' failed due to earlier errors.
If are necessary more informations please let me know.
Have a good day.
So, the "process flow" you've chosen, JTAGing the FPGA image into place,
is not a usual method for updating the FPGA image on the N310.
The N310 is itself a computer platform, so has other mechanisms for
updating the FPGA image:
In fact, I'd spend some time with the entire getting-started guide,
since the N310 is quite different than the X310.
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