Hi all,

I'll organize a small workshop on *Open Radio Platforms for 5G Research
and Beyond* at CROWNCOM 2019 in Poznan, Poland. Please consider
submitting if you are working on (or with) interesting hardware or
software prototypes.


                             Workshop on

          *Open Radio Platforms for 5G Research and Beyond*

             to be held in conjunction with CROWNCOM 2019
                in Poznan, Poland on June 11-13, 2019.


Call for Papers

The digital transformation of our society won’t be possible without
the support of an appropriate mobile network infrastructure. The
evolution of this network infrastructure needs to meet the
requirements of 5G (and beyond) poses challenging research problems:
higher bandwidths and lower latencies are being demanded together with
the ability to serve a multiplicity and heterogeneity of devices. On
top of this, the network infrastructure evolution must take place in
an energy-efficient and economically sustainable manner.

Within this context, the existence of platforms and testbeds that can
speed up mobile networks innovation and enable the validation and
optimization of new radio technologies already in an early phase of
the development cycle is of paramount importance. Such platforms and
testbeds are already playing a key role in testing and evaluating the
performance achieved by new research ideas and developments. Moreover,
these platforms are covering a broad set of research questions, some
of them focusing on specific low-level aspects of wireless
communications, and some others on the study of the entire end-to-end
mobile network, including in some cases extensions tailored to the
need of specific vertical industries (automotive, industry 4.0,
eHealth, ect.). In addition, these platforms and testbeds have to be
able to validate the most significant network KPIs under realistic
conditions and in a controllable and reproducible manner.

The main focus of this workshop will be to present the latest
developments on existing platforms for 5G research and beyond (in both
hardware and software domains). A special focus will be put on open
source developments, as they speed up innovation in the mobile
networks ecosystem.


EAI provides the Confy submission system. Papers should be up to eight
pages long with reference, and have to comply with the Springer format
(see the website for further information [1]).

[1] http://crowncom.org/initial-submission/


- Proceedings will be submitted for publication by Springer
- Proceedings will be submitted for inclusion in leading indexing
  services, including EI Elsevier Engineering Index, Thomson
  Scientific ISI Proceedings, Scopus, CrossRef, Google Scholar, DBLP,
  as well as EAI’s own EU Digital Library (EUDL).
- Authors of selected papers will be invited to submit extended
  versions of their accepted appers to the special issue on „New
  application domains for the cognitive-based solutions in the context
  of 5G and beyond” in EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and
- Moreover, selected papers will be invited for publication in the
  following EAI Endorsed Transactions:
  - EAI Endorsed Transactions on Cognitive Communications
  - EAI Endorsed Transactions on Wireless Spectrum

Important dates

Submission:   29 January 2019
Notification: 11 March 2019
Camera-ready: 12 April 2019
Conference:   11-13 June 2019

Dr. Bastian Bloessl
Research Fellow @ CONNECT Center
Trinity College Dublin

GitHub/Twitter: @bastibl

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