Thanks for the tip Michael. I'm on travel at the moment, and will try this
next week when I get back to the lab. I'll report my findings to mailing



On Wed, Nov 14, 2018 at 1:09 AM Michael West <> wrote:

> Hi Stephan,
> Try moving the GPSDO power from the J509 connector to the J102 connector
> on the N200 motherboard.  J102 is 6V AUX power and does not sag when
> running.  The provided cable is a little short, so you will have to get
> creative.  Give that a try and let us know if it solves the problem.
> Regards,
> Michael
> On Sat, Nov 10, 2018 at 9:33 AM Stephan Esterhuizen via USRP-users <
>> wrote:
>> Hi Robin,
>> Thank you for the reply. I have debugged the problem more and realized
>> two issues.
>> 1) The massive drift of 14 microseconds/second was due me using a 6V, 2A
>> brick supply. This is my fault! After switching it out for a 3A supply, I'm
>> able to get the GPSDO to lock (GPS_SERVO message returns 6 for lock status
>> field)
>> 2) Once you start collecting data, GPSDO PPS & 10 MHz start drifting from
>> UTC. As mentioned, this is probably due to a voltage sag on the 6V supply
>> for the Firefly GPSDO.
>> For issue 2, I measured the nominal voltage to GPSDO (USRP N200 J509) to
>> be 5.678V (+-2mV), then once I start a data collection, the minimum voltage
>> I see is 5.532V, then after a few seconds of data collection it reaches a
>> "steady state" of 5.545 V. This small change of (5.678-5.545 V) 133 mV is
>> enough to give the PPS a drift of about 5-8 nsec/second. Eventually the
>> GPSDO feedback loop catches this and steers it back to something more
>> acceptable. For reference, the voltage at the input to N200 (J101) is
>> 5.901V+-5mV when idle and collecting samples.
>> This slight deviation of < 100 nanoseconds  due to voltage change is fine
>> for my application, I realized I can just read back the GPS_SERVO sensor
>> and get the actual offset from UTC to correct any timestamps.
>> Regards
>> Stephan
>> On Fri, Nov 9, 2018 at 5:09 PM Robin Coxe <> wrote:
>>> Hi Stephan.  Your issue looks similar to one that has been previously
>>> reported.   The Hardware Sustaining Engineering team is currently
>>> investigating.
>>> Would it be possible for you to try powering the GPSDO module from a lab
>>> supply instead of plugging it in to the N210 motherboard and checking if
>>> your issue still persists?
>>> That would help us determine if you are experiencing the same problem.
>>> Another helpful measurement would be to measure the voltage drop of the 6V
>>> wall wart when the GPSDO IS powered by the N210 motherboard.
>>> We will keep you and list updated on the progress of the investigation.
>>> -Robin
>>> On Fri, Nov 9, 2018 at 3:06 AM Stephan Esterhuizen via USRP-users <
>>>> wrote:
>>>> Hi All,
>>>> I have two N200 USRPs with Jackson-Labs Firefly 1A GPSDO. I'm doing a
>>>> very basic test, where I have a common active GPS antenna split 2 ways
>>>> (with DC block on one N200 GPS antenna port). I then watch the 1PPS from
>>>> each GPSDO on a scope, and unfortunately see the PPS drift by as much as 14
>>>> microseconds per second relative to each other. When this offset reaches
>>>> about 1.5-2.0 milliseconds, I see the PPS relative offset "snap" down to a
>>>> few micro seconds error, but then they immediately start drifting apart
>>>> again.
>>>> The N200 GPSDO reports they're locked. I wrote some quick python code
>>>> to query sensors:
>>>> ----------------------
>>>> FIRST N200:
>>>> ----------------------
>>>> [INFO] [GPS] Found an internal GPSDO: Jackson-Labs, FireFly , Firmware
>>>> Rev 0.929
>>>> [INFO] [USRP2] Setting references to the internal GPSDO
>>>> GPS lock status: locked
>>>> $GPGGA,095011.00,xxxx.xxxxx,N,xxxx.xxxxx,E,1,10,0.9,320.7,M,46.9,M,,*6C
>>>> GPS_SERVO: 18-11-09 3888 94089 21.81 2.08E-11 13 10 6 0x0
>>>> GPS epoch time: 1541757012 seconds
>>>> Ref: locked
>>>> ----------------------
>>>> SECOND N200
>>>> ----------------------
>>>> [INFO] [GPS] Found an internal GPSDO: Jackson-Labs, FireFly , Firmware
>>>> Rev 0.929
>>>> [INFO] [USRP2] Setting references to the internal GPSDO
>>>> GPS lock status: locked
>>>> $GPGGA,095027.00,xxxx.xxxxx,N,xxxx.xxxx,E,1,08,1.1,317.9,M,46.9,M,,*63
>>>> GPS_SERVO: 18-11-09 2948 120000 796.02 9.59E-09 13 8 2 0x326
>>>> GPS epoch time: 1541757029 seconds
>>>> Ref: locked
>>>> ============
>>>> At this point, it might be a question for Jacksonlabs, since I'm not
>>>> really using any N200 functions except for reading back the Ublox GPS NMEA
>>>> strings.
>>>> Has anyone seen this kind of behavior before?
>>>> I'm suspecting the GPS_SERVO field might shed some light, but don't
>>>> quite know how to read it.
>>>> Thanks for any pointers
>>>> Stephan
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