On 08/08/2018 02:29 PM, Sayyed Dormiani Tabatabaei via USRP-users wrote:

I am trying to debug a channel sounder I made in GNUradio. As a sanity check, I made a new project that sends a sin into TX0 and Nulls into the other three TX. After attaching a spectrum analyzer to TX0 and running the sin project I get very strange and incoherent results.

(N310 - SMA - 30dB attenuator - SMA2BNC - RSA 3408A Spectrum Analyzer)

I suspect there is an issue with my sampling rate choices. What would be a reasonable sampling rate choice for a sanity check?

I understand that the chosen sampling rate should be an even factor of one of the four master clocks that the N310 supports. However, when I pick low-ish rates (KHz range) the result is a garbage saw-tooth in time domain and a strange step-like pyramid in frequency domain. Higher sampling rates (MHz scale) cause GNUradio to crash and lock up. (I am changing the sin frequency every time I change the sampling rate to keep things in line with Nyquest-Shannon)

Thank you for the help in advance.


PS: Currently recompiling UHD and GNUradio to get the update.

The lowest-possible sample rate is:   master_clock_rate/1024

The default master clock on N310 is 125MHz

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