Dear Fernaz,

you can't cheat 10Gig bandwidth! If you time-share any medium, then
it's bandwidth must be shared. Since ethernet is de facto a timesharing
thing, anyway, no, this won't work:
Since you need to push through all the data through a single 10GigE
connection, your 10 gigabits per second need to be divided along *all
simultaneously operating* USRPs. So, if you have, say 10 USRPs, and all
should be working at the same time, you've only got 1 gigabit per
second per USRP, which limits you to about 25 MSample/s per USRP. It's
really the same principle as a single internet access being shared by
all people attached to the same router.

Now, if these USRPs *don't* have to transmit all at the same time, then
more is possible.

> Also, does anyone know if it is possible to store the samples on the
transmit USRPs?

I'll go with a: no, at least probably not like you hope it is. Can you
elaborate on your use case? Maybe we can help you if we better
understand what you're trying to implement, from a bit of distance?

Best regards,
On Mon, 2018-06-25 at 20:32 +0200, Farnaz Chamanzadeh via USRP-users
> Dear all,
>  I want to connect multiple USRP X310 to one host PC and control them
> all from that Pc, using one  10Gigabit Ethernet switch. My question
> is that if it is possible to stream from each USRP in a different
> time slot using the full bandwidth and 200MS/s in a setup similar to
> the picture below?
> Also, does anyone know if it is possible to store the samples on the
> transmit USRPs?
> Best,
> Farnaz
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