I'm working on a radar project that requires sending a series of short
pulses. Looking at the pulses on a scope, I'm seeing large voltage spikes
at the beginning and the end of each transmission.

As shown in the attached screenshot, before the transmission starts, there
is a 90 mV spike lasting about 10 us. After the transmission, there's a -25
mV spike lasting about 20 us.

The setup for this is simply a USRP B205mini-i connected to a 50 ohm input
on a scope through a 30 dB attenuator. The signal is at 435 MHz with the
scope sampling at 20 Gsps.

Our initial thought was that we must be seeing some effects of some of the
RF frontend components turning on and off. I found this previous mailing
list post and tried the suggested fix in b200_impl.cpp but nothing changed:


Any ideas why we might be seeing these spikes or what we could do about it?
Does the fix suggested in the above mailing list post still apply to the
current codebase?

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