I'm driving a 2 channel USRP sink (X310 + UBX-160) with two signal sources at only 250 ksps, with one source multiplied by a constant. The X310 starts up normally, but then sends a stream of late packet "LLLL..." before freezing. The TX/RX lights never turn on.
If I bypass the multiplier, then things work fine.
I'm able to stream two files sources at 12.5 Msps with (almost) no issues, so what's going on with the multiply block at only 250 ksps? I said "almost" because I had to add in some delay blocks (samp_rate/100) when also streaming those files into QT sinks.
Is it the X310 starting up before data appears at both USRP sink ports (i.e the multiply has a slight delay)? Buffer issues? Adding the delays to either stream does not help, nor does the real-time scheduling.
I'm running the UHD_003.010.003.000 with the requisite FPGA image, and GR 3.7.12.
Description: Binary data
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