Thank you Derek,

I was playing around with E300 design, but we actually need to use B2X0
devices, apparently not supported by RFNoC. Also we need to implement some
complex decimation and filtering so that FIR block will not be enough.

I guess, if I'm not mistaken, our only choice is to use Xilinx ISE to
modify the hdl design.


2017-10-03 12:45 GMT+02:00 Derek Kozel <>:

> Hello Brais,
> The HDL design does have a top block and is composed of usefully divided
> sub blocks. It is not however designed using the graphical Vivado workflow,
> but a source based one. Here is the top block:
> Your application however sounds exactly like what the RFNoC architecture
> was designed for. This architecture, which the E310 implements, allows you
> to add in a self contained block of functional logic wrapped by an
> interface supplied by Ettus. I recommend reading this application note and
> possibly watching this video which introduces the architecture and leads
> through the creation of a sample RFNoC block.
> If you only want to add a filter or two there is already an FIR block
> which you could either directly make use of or make hopefully minor
> modifications to meet your needs.
> 362cecf8d2/usrp3/lib/rfnoc/noc_block_fir_filter.v#L141
> Regards,
> Derek
> On Thu, Sep 21, 2017 at 4:48 PM, Brais Ares via USRP-users <
>> wrote:
>> Hello,
>> We want to add some blocks to HDL design in E310 device. We followed the
>> instructions to build Vivado project and it worked okay.
>> Thing is the built design when opened in Vivado looks this way
>> <> ...
>> where design sources hierarchy is kind of complex. I was expecting a top
>> module or at least not that much sources.
>> Is there no way to see the design as a block design (like in a typical
>> Vivado workflow)?
>> Adding just a few filters to this design implies reverse-engineering what
>> is going on in most of these source files...
>> ​Any advice in how to proceed/start is appreciated.
>> Regards,
>> Brais.​
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Brais Ares Fernández
Investigador - Desarrollador | Área de Comunicaciones Avanzadas
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