I am interested in implementing a pulsed CW radar using a single channel
(X310/UBX) via the TX/RX antenna port.

My initial implementation works, but not that well.  In this
implementation, I continuously stream the receiver with antenna set to
TX/RX and I simultaneously send timed transmit bursts for each pulse.  The
USRP automatically switches the T/R switch to transmit during the transmit
bursts and then back to receive when the transmit burst completes.  The
switch time seems good enough for my application.  However, the transmit
pulse doesn't look as expected at the beginning - likely due to start up
filtering in the DUC.

I am considering a different implementation such that transmit and receive
both run continuously and I just manually "hot-switch" the T/R switch
between transmit and receive using timed commands.  I have 2 questions:
1) is there a problem with this approach (e.g., possibility of damaging the
2) how do I manually control the T/R switch?  (I am expecting I need to use
the GPIO registers, but I can't find the relevant info in the manual).

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