This is perhaps a long shot but I noticed that your code does not include
set_thread_priority_safe() for each thread - only the main thread.  Perhaps
adding this will help.  I realize that this does not explain why you are
successful when not using the same channel.

Also, I noticed that the example tx_rx_loopback_to_file.cpp does not
implement this call on the Tx thread.  The Rx occurs in the main thread
though for this example.  However, I see in "benchmark_rate.cpp" this call
is implemented for both Tx and Rx threads.


On Thu, Aug 17, 2017 at 6:55 PM, Jason W Zheng via USRP-users <
usrp-users@lists.ettus.com> wrote:

> The last thread got a little long and kind of died, so I decided to make a
> new thread summarizing all the findings thus far.
> I'm running on an x310 across dual 10 Gigabit ethernet, outfitted with
> twin basic tx rx daughbords. I'm running on UHD version 3.11.0. Ideally, I
> would like two simultaneous transmit and receive streams, utilizing both
> channels to transmit and receive. I don't want to have to use 2 x310s for 2
> receive and transmit streams
> When I transmit and receive at the same time on the same channel, I get a
> lot of U's printed out to console signaling underflows, no matter what the
> rate. *HOWEVER, if I transmit and receive on separate channels, say
> tx_streamer has stream_args at channel 1 and rx_streamer has stream_args at
> channel 0, it works just fine.*
> I've attached the source code of a complete but simple program that will
> hopefully demonstrate my problem. In this program, two threads are created:
> a transmit thread and a receive thread. The receive thread is constantly
> receiving data to a buffer and overwriting that buffer with new data. The
> transmit thread is constantly transmitting 0's from a prefilled buffer.
> If anyone has an x310 running across 10Gbps ethernet, can you compile and
> run my program to test if this problem occurs not just for me?
> Here's what we have already tested:
> - I'm running on a server system rocking two 12 core intel xeon
> processors. (https://ark.intel.com/products/91767/Intel-Xeon-
> Processor-E5-2650-v4-30M-Cache-2_20-GHz). My network card is the
> recommended x520 da2. Someone had previously suggested NUMA to be an issue,
> but I don't think this is the case as the program works when we switch to
> transmitting and receiving on separate channels.
> - I've tested only transmitting and only receiving. We can transmit at
> 200MS/s across both channels and we can receive at 200MS/s across both
> channels, but we cannot transmit and receive from the same channel. This
> suggests our network card is working properly and we can handle the high
> rate.
> - I've tried my program on UHD 3.10.2 and the problem still occurs
> - I've tried setting the tx_metadata waiting 2 second before transmitting.
> The problem still occurs.
> - I've tried running the example program txrx_loopback_from_file and that
> works for simultaneous receive and transmit, but I have no idea why.
> From the last point, I'm lead to believe that I am somehow calling the uhd
> API wrong, but I have no idea where the error is. Any help would be greatly
> appreciated.
> Thanks,
> Jason
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