Thanks for any help...

I ran the example file from Ettus called rx_samples_to_file.cpp.

I ran the file and it did extract a binary file that I named.

When I analyzed it in matlab using the function 'read_float_binary.m', I 
received much Nan's and zeros with actual data...

When I ran the function 'read_cfloat_binary.m', I received data that makes 
sense.. but is it the correct way???

I realize the binary file has complex value that is interleaved....

But when I looked at the code rx_samples_to_file.cpp at the end of it as shown 

    //recv to file
    if (type == "double") recv_to_file<std::complex<double> >(usrp, 
uhd::io_type_t::COMPLEX_FLOAT64, file, spb);
    else if (type == "float") recv_to_file<std::complex<float> >(usrp, 
uhd::io_type_t::COMPLEX_FLOAT32, file, spb);
    else if (type == "short") recv_to_file<std::complex<short> >(usrp, 
uhd::io_type_t::COMPLEX_INT16, file, spb);
    else throw std::runtime_error("Unknown type " + type);

Where is the type defined?  I could not find it in the code?  Is it in a header 
file?  I could not find that either...

There is this if then tree within the matlab finction....

It seems that the Int16 was used because 'short' was used in the Matlab complex 
function as shown below....

  if (f < 0)
    cv = 0;
    v = fread (f, count, 'short');
    fclose (f);
    cv = v(1:2:end)+v(2:2:end)*j;

This was the output of the constellation....  Thus, noting was over  +/-32 in 
the ineger side.  Since this kis a 16 bit representation do we have 10 bits 
fractional resolution?  S5.10 ???


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