Hi , Let me first describe my application
I have to collected data (type short, wirefmt sc16) at a particular center frequency at a sampling rate of 25 Msps and set the bandwidth to be 20 MHz and the master clock is set to be 25 MHz. I have a custom fpga to detect the presence of unwanted signal within the 20 MHz bw of data collected . I am using rx_samples_to_file script to collect data . I assume that when I plot the data ,, any tone below -10MHz and beyond +10 MHz should be discarded. But when I used the script ./rx_samples_to_file I noticed that the data collected is equal to the sample rate specified and when plotted using pwelch function with bin size 512 I still see the tone after 20 MHz bw. /usr/lib/uhd/examples/rx_samples_to_file --file /dev/test_5bw_20msps_1 --subdev A:A --args="type=e3x0,master_clock_rate=25e6" --bw 20e6 --freq 110e6 --rate 25e6 --duration 1 --stats as per input parameter specified above I set the centre frequency at 110 MHz and have injected a tone at 122.5 MHz and set the BW to be 20 MHz. I assumed the tone should not be visible , but unfortunately it does. This may lead to faulty detection in my application. 1. I added debug statements to see if at all the bw setting code is executed and it does. 2. I varied the bandwidth to be 5 MHz and I am able to see the roll off and also the tone. Please find the plot below for the above input command [image: Inline image 1] Now setting the bandwidth to 5 MHz for verification purpose[image: Inline image 2] The code snippet used to plot the data in matlab as follows binary_file = '\\fargo\projects\wls\staging\subbuku-o\test_5bw_20msps_1';%./rx_samples_to_file --file /dev/test_5bw_20msps_2 --subdev A:B --args="type=e3x0,master_clock_rate=50e6" --bw 20e6 --freq 110e6 --rate 25e6 --duration 1 --stats if ~exist('plotOn', 'var') || isempty(plotOn) plotOn = 1; end if ~exist('power_dbm', 'var') || isempty(power_dbm) power_dbm = -100; end fid = fopen(binary_file,'r'); %A = fread(fid,inf,'bit16','ieee-le'); if ~exist('wordWidth','var') || isempty(wordWidth) % default to 16 bits... A = fread(fid,inf,'bit16','ieee-le'); else % extract according to word desired word width width = ['bit',num2str(wordWidth)]; A = fread(fid,inf,width,'ieee-le'); end %A = fread(fid,inf,'bit16','ieee-le'); %A = fread(fid,inf,'float32'); %parse the entire binary file %A = fread(fid); fclose(fid); %A = A(1:2*4096); I = A(1:2:end); %figure; plot(I,'b-'); %-->counter test Q = A(2:2:end); if 0 figure; mag = 20*log10(abs(I)); plot(faxis,mag(1:N)); end complex_sig = I + 1i*Q; %complex_sig = transpose(complex_sig); %fs = 1024e3;%512e3; %1024kHz for 4x and 8x; 768kHz, 512kHz and 256kHz for 6x, 2x and 1x %fs = 512e3; %fs = 256e3; %fs = 7.68e6; %fs = 15.36e6; %fs = 7.68e6; fs =25e6; %[Pxx,F] = pwelch(complex_sig(1:4096*15),4096,[],[],fs,'centered');%%4x and 8x %[Pxx,F] = pwelch(complex_sig(1:end),[],[],fs,'centered');%%4x and 8x [Pxx,F] = pwelch(complex_sig(1:end),512,[],[],fs,'centered');%%4x and 8x if plotOn figure; plot(F,10*log10((Pxx)),'b-'); grid on title(binary_file) if exist('title_str','var') if ~isempty(title_str) title(title_str) end end end Please let me know if it is possible to resolve the issue to eliminating the tone beyond 20 MHz bandwidth for 25 Msps sampling rate . I know with bandwidth and sample rate being pretty close it might not be possible to eliminate the tone or there might be aliasing effect . I did increase the master clock but the highest I could go is 50 MHz. I need 25 Msps sample rate and cannot change that. Thanks and Regards, Olivani
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