
Leon Katsnelson
Director & CTO, IBM Skills Network
Helping organizations upskill employees in the latest technologies

From: Jongyoul Lee <jongy...@gmail.com>
Date: Sunday, August 25, 2024 at 2:40 AM
To: users@zeppelin.apache.org <users@zeppelin.apache.org>, dev 
Subject: [EXTERNAL] Re: Flink integration in Zeppelin 0.11
Hello Christophe,

Thank you for sharing it.

For the first issue, we already found it and the next version vanishes
this error.

For the second issue, unfortunately, we don't support the version yet
as shown. Please check [1]. You can make a new ticket and help to
contribute to the project as well.

Best regards,


2024년 8월 23일 (금) 오전 7:42, <christophe.jal...@free.fr>님이 작성:
> Hello,
> trying to integrate Flink 1.20 into apache/zeppelin:0.11.1 official Docker 
> image:
> I have to remove a bunch of file which look corrupted to overcome an error 
> "two flink jar file are found":
>     rm /opt/zeppelin/interpreter/flink/._zeppelin-flink-0.11.1-2.12.jar && \
>     rm /opt/zeppelin/interpreter/flink-cmd/._zeppelin-flink-cmd-0.11.1.jar && 
> \
>     rm 
> /opt/zeppelin/plugins/Launcher/ClusterInterpreterLauncher/._launcher-flink-0.11.1.jar
>  && \
>     rm 
> /opt/zeppelin/plugins/Launcher/DockerInterpreterLauncher/._launcher-flink-0.11.1.jar
>  && \
>     rm 
> /opt/zeppelin/plugins/Launcher/FlinkInterpreterLauncher/._launcher-flink-0.11.1.jar
>  && \
>     rm /opt/zeppelin/interpreter/flink/python/._zeppelin_ipyflink.py && \
>     rm /opt/zeppelin/interpreter/flink/python/._zeppelin_pyflink.py && \
>     rm /opt/zeppelin/interpreter/flink-cmd/._interpreter-setting.json
> then got a new error:
> java.lang.Exception: Flink version: '1.20.0' is not supported yet
> Did anyone had any information on the actual status of Flink integration in 
> Zeppelin ?
> Thanks by advance !
> JC

Best regards,
Jongyoul Lee

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