Hello Jongyoul,

Yes, the configuration basic is:

  <description>Notebook enable cron scheduler feature</description>
  <description>Notebook cron folders</description>

In previous versions, like 0.10.0 that configuration works, but in 0.11.1


Best Regards

Sergio Salazar

El lun, 22 jul 2024 a las 20:55, Jongyoul Lee (<jongy...@gmail.com>)

> Hello,
> Thank you for the report.
> For the first step, could you please check your configuration for cron?
> https://github.com/apache/zeppelin/blob/master/conf/zeppelin-site.xml.template#L736-L740
> Best regards,
> Jongyoul Lee
> 2024년 7월 23일 (화) 오전 12:05, Sergio Ivan Salazar Romero <
> sergioi...@gmail.com>님이 작성:
>> Hi Jeff,
>> I hope you're well. I'm reaching out because I've encountered an issue
>> with the scheduler in Apache Zeppelin version 0.11.1. It doesn't seem to be
>> loading button properly to scheduled job.
>> Only show until Zeppelin 0.10
>> [image: image.png]
>> I am writing to you to request to join the community and receive support
>> on the topic.
>> Thanks in advance!
>> Best regards,
>> Sergio Iván Salazar Romero
> --
> Best regards,
> Jongyoul Lee

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