
When you run the query are you clicking "run" on the paragraph or the "run
all" button on the note? If you click "run all" it would prevent you from
running them in parallel. When clicking the run on the paragraph you should
be able to run them in parallel.


On Sun, May 12, 2024 at 12:16 PM Alessio Bernesco Làvore <
alessio.berne...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hello,
> i'm using zeppelin to test some query against a Flink Cluster (1.17.2),
> with 10 tasks slots available.
> if i launch any continuous query (read or insert into) any other
> subsequent query remains pending until i cancel the previous job.
> I can see the active job and all the canceled jobs in the Flink jobmanager
> web ui, and the available slots that are always 10 or 9 when one query is
> running.
> How can i run more than one paragraph? For example an insert into ad a
> select to keep monitoring the updates?
> Thank you!

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