
Thank you for checking it.

For 0.11.1, it was obliterated including deploying the 0.11.1 binary to the
maven repository. Thus, installing it via install-interpreter.sh is
impossible as well. Unfortunately, we don't plan to include it on official
deployments until all shell interpreter security issues are resolved.

For the commit, you are right it's the only commit in the master
repository. However, we have one more commit as a hotfix in the branch-0.11.

I'm also preparing how to include it when you build it by yourself.

Thank you for your interest. Moreover, I appreciate it if you shared your
experience of how you are using shell interpreter. We can also consider for
providing the feature natively, not using shell interpreter.

Hope this helps you.

Best regards,
Jongyoul Lee

2024년 4월 9일 (화) 오전 7:20, Nils Glueck <nils.glu...@posteo.net>님이 작성:

> Hello,
> after switching from Zeppelin 0.11.0 to version 0.11.1, I noticed that
> the Shell interpreter had disappeared from the config, while my Docker
> file remained the same (using netinst binary). Also, I noted at least
> one commit related to somewhat removal of Shell interpreter.[1]
> 1) Am I missing something, or has the Shell interpreter been removed
> from the regular netinst binary build?
> 2) I am using netinst Zeppelin 0.11.1 installation, followed by "RUN
> ./bin/install-interpreter.sh --name shell", which confirms that Shell
> interpreter has been installed. However, it does not show up when
> checking the Interpreter config web page of Zeppelin. This can be
> observed only after the recent switch from 0.11.0 to 0.11.1. I do see
> Interpreters angukar, flink, flink-cmd, influxdb, jupyter, md, python,
> r, spark, spark-submit, but no sh unfortunately. Can you reproduce? Is
> that expected behavior?
> Thanks for comments or clearification.
> [1]
> https://github.com/apache/zeppelin/commit/194577f49aa77e9ff4117affdba65ed02a8bcc7c

Best regards,
Jongyoul Lee

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