Hi Jongyoul Lee!

It is cool to see any activity in the community! I was under impression that 
both the community and the project itself are dead.

Me and my team are currently integrating Zeppelin in production so we are 
looking for new release with Spark 3.4.0 very much!

Two questions:

- when new version will be released?

- "Fluent docker support" - right now on master base Docker image is very huge 
(3.44 GB) and there is only one image with all kernels. Right now we fork 
Zeppelin repo to our GitLab and build base image manually. It will be cool that 
official repo can build several images with different kernel groups.

I mean official image on DHub: https://hub.docker.com/r/apache/zeppelin/tags

Thanks in advance!

От: Jongyoul Lee <jongy...@gmail.com>
Отправлено: 29 июня 2023 г. 12:39:37
Кому: dev; users
Тема: [!!Массовая рассылка][DISCUSSION] 0.11.0 Release

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Hello community,

I made a wiki page for the next release.

- https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/ZEPPELIN/Release+Roadmap

Could you please check the wiki and give some feedback?

Here is the content of wiki for those who cannot access the page.

  *   Junit5
  *   Spark 3.4.0
  *   Minimize default interpreters
     *   Remove Shell interpreter to minimize security issues
     *   Download interpreters easily
        *   Could use Github release for individual interpreters
  *   Fluent docker support

Best regards,
Jongyoul Lee

이종열, Jongyoul Lee, 李宗烈


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