Hello Айсина Роза Мунеровна,

I think you can modify the Dockerfile of

Can you try this one?


2023년 4월 29일 (토) 오전 2:04, Айсина Роза Мунеровна <roza.ays...@sbermarket.ru>님이

> Hola!
> I am new user to Apache Zeppelin.
> My goal is to dynamically lunch Zeppelin setup with Kubernetes:
> - Zeppelin Server
> - Spark Kernel == Spark Driver with custom Python environment (run by
> poetry package manager)
> - Spark executors with the same Python env.
> My problem is that current Zeppelin image has old Python and there is no
> way to parametrize Python version
> (especially that miniconda is old and does not support 3.11).
> Also I need to make sure that Python in driver (== Zeppelin kernel) and
> Python on Spark executors is the same.
> What I want to build is Python environment with Spark cluster run by
> Zeppelin in k8s.
> Is it possible?
> I see some Dockerfiles in Zeppeline pack - is it valid to use them?
> There is no word about this Dockerfiles in docs :(
> Thanks in advance!
> --
> Роза Айсина
> Старший разработчик ПО
> СберМаркет | Доставка из любимых магазинов
> Email: roza.ays...@sbermarket.ru<mailto:roza.ays...@sbermarket.ru>
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이종열, Jongyoul Lee, 李宗烈

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