
Actually, we are discussing the next release in dev@ but it's not decided
anything yet. I, however, also think it's been a very long time since we
release the latest version.

> Is it planned to set Angular application as the default UI?
AFAIK, we, strongly, change the default UI for angular UI but haven't
tested it well yet. I appreciate it if you test it.
> Is it planned to migrate Zeppelin from Java 8 to 11?
Some PRs are trying to upgrade JDK to 11.

- https://lists.apache.org/thread/bkwx768lo570os1p222z405nllmbthrl
- https://github.com/apache/zeppelin/pull/4497

Hope this helps,

2023년 2월 6일 (월) 오전 5:34, Baptiste Meynier <baptiste.meyn...@gmail.com>님이 작성:

> Hi,
> Thx a lot for your work, Zeppelin is realy a great application! I would
> like to know where I could find the road map of Zeppelin? Inside the
> project I find this url
> <https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/ZEPPELIN/Zeppelin+Roadmap>
> that does not seems to be updated. Then I looking for information inside
> the Zeppelin issues tracker for the release 0.11.0.
> I see that there are 4 opened jiras for version 0.11.0. It will be the
> last Jira for version 0.11.0 or some Jira issues could be added ?
> I have some questions for the next feature of Zeppelin:
> Is it planned to set Angular application as the default UI?
> Is it planned to migrate Zeppelin from Java 8 to 11?
> Thx a lot !

이종열, Jongyoul Lee, 李宗烈
  • Road Map Baptiste Meynier
    • Re: Road Map Jongyoul Lee

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