Welcome on board Guanhua Li!
Am 11.12.22 um 04:19 schrieb Guanhua Li:
Thanks to Jeff and all member of the Apache Zeppelin Community PMC for
recognizing my work.
It's a great honor for me to be committer and I would continue to
actively participate in the work of the Apache Zeppelin!
Kind regards,
Guanhua Li
------------------ Original ------------------
*From:* "Jeff Zhang" <zjf...@gmail.com>;
*Date:* Sun, Dec 11, 2022 10:47 AM
*To:* "users"<users@zeppelin.apache.org>;"dev"<d...@zeppelin.apache.org>;"Guanhua
*Subject:* [Announce] New Zeppelin Committer: Guanhua Li
Hi all,
The Project Management Committee (PMC) for Apache Zeppelin
has invited Guanhua Li (huage1994) to become a committer and we are
very pleased
to announce that he has accepted.
We greatly appreciate all of Guanhua Li's hard work and generous
contributions to the project. We look forward to continued involvement
in the project.
Congratulations & Welcome aboard Guanhua Li !
Best Regards
Jeff Zhang