Hello Johan,

Thanx a lot for your annotations. 
Unfortunately I am not allowed, and for us there is no colleague available to 
check the configuration on the SVN server if there are any path-based 
authorization settings, and if yes, if they affect our part of the repository.

Are there any other scenarios thinkable than failed authorization, which could 
lead to the ‚server-excluded‘ entry in the presence column? Perhaps interrupted 
connection from client to server, or something else?


> Am 13.09.2024 um 13:02 schrieb Johan Corveleyn <jcor...@gmail.com>:
> On Fri, Sep 13, 2024 at 9:40 AM Jörg Dalkolmo <joerg.dalko...@gmx.net> wrote:
>> Hello Nathan!
>> Thank you very much for the quick and very valuable answer. I had searched 
>> the internet for ‚server-excluded‘ before and often ended up somewhere in 
>> the subversion source code, where ‚authz‘ is mentioned, so your hint 
>> encourages me, that some kind of selective permissions for the omitted dirs 
>> and files in the repository are the key for understanding the effect.
>> Subversion in our environment is hosted on a Linux system with apache web 
>> server; the clients are all TortoiseSVN on Windows servers, target 
>> directories for the working copies are administrative shares on those 
>> servers.
>> In one of our experiments we had the - for us - strange effect that for one 
>> target directory on one server all files and dirs were checked out, for 
>> another target directory on another server always the same files and dirs 
>> were omitted. That is:
>> //winserver1/adminshare1$/targetdir1/   gets all dirs and files.
>> //winserver2/adminshare2$/targetdir2/ does NOT get all dirs and files.
>> I have to mention that I am NOT the user that performs all the tortoiseSVN 
>> actions in our trials and I have no relevant experience with SVN, I am just 
>> part of the team that ponders about this problem that drives us crazy.
>> To cut a long story short, thank you very much again, I will encourage our 
>> team members to pursue this path.
> Hi Jörg,
> Nathan is referring to the built-in "path-based authorization" feature
> of SVN (where one can configure certain paths to be only accessed by
> certain (groups of) users). This is not managed inside the Apache
> httpd config, but in the path-based authorization file of SVN. This
> can be either a normal file on the server or a file in the repository
> itself (referenced by the AuthzSVNAccessFile or
> AuthzSVNReposRelativeAccessFile directives in the httpd config).
> See these sections in the "SVN book" for more info:
> https://svnbook.red-bean.com/nightly/en/svn.serverconfig.pathbasedauthz.html
> https://svnbook.red-bean.com/nightly/en/svn.serverconfig.httpd.html#svn.serverconfig.httpd.authz.perdir
> So probably, some of the files or dirs under
> //winserver2/adminshare2$/targetdir2/ are not-authorized for your user
> (as specified in the path-based authz file on the server).
> -- 
> Johan

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