On 6/14/2024 9:13 AM, Ayyanar Raja wrote:

NoDear Andreas,

Thanks for your reply. I'm looking forward your support on this to recover files.

Actually I'm new to SVN. When I'm trying to deleted SVN commited file, I unknowingly cleaned up unversioned files.

But, More than those SVN file, I need my unversioned files.

> Why is this not yet fixed ?

I raised this question for the Dev team.

But this is outside the scope of Subversion, or really, any version control system.  I have worked with nearly a dozen version control systems over the years, and not one of them preserve unversioned files.  And in the case of Mercurial and Git, even checked in files could be lost if they haven't been pushed and the workspace gets damaged/erased.  What you are describing would be an OS/filesystem feature where deleted files are preserved someplace (which is really a sort of version control system in disguise)

If something is important, it should be checked in.  If you're not checking in because you don't want others to see, or be affected by, incomplete work, then use a branch.  Check in early and check in often!

I often say that there are three kinds of things in the world: things checked into version control, things generated from things in version control, and garbage.

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