
Recently, we encountered a bug while using mergeinfo in SVN. Here is an example:
Our source branch has the following branch changes (through copy or rename) history:
  • Branch 1: /products/xy1/develop/mos2/trunk, revision a-b
  • Branch 2: /products/xy1/develop/mos2/server, revision b-c
  • Branch 3: /products/xy1/develop/mos2/server/branches/zlp_20240306, revision c-d
From the current code, in the svn_client__mergeinfo_log function, when constructing merge_source_fspaths, all the changed branches are added to merge_source_fspaths: 
for (hi = apr_hash_first(scratch_pool, source_history);
  hi = apr_hash_next(hi))
 const char *key = apr_hash_this_key(hi);
 svn_rangelist_t *subtree_merged_rangelist = apr_hash_this_val(hi);
 svn_rangelist_t *intersecting_rangelist;

                                 FALSE, iterpool));

 APR_ARRAY_PUSH(merge_source_fspaths, const char *) = key;

 if (intersecting_rangelist->nelts)
   log_target = key;
In filter_log_entry_with_rangelist function, when searching for the changed_path for each revision, there is some code based on merge_source_fspaths to match the common prefix and calculate the relative path as follows:
for (i = 0; i merge_source_fspaths->nelts; i++)
 merge_source_fspath = APR_ARRAY_IDX(fleb->merge_source_fspaths,
                                     i, const char *);

   = svn_fspath__skip_ancestor(merge_source_fspath, path);
When a revision has a changed_path such as /products/xy1/develop/mos2/server/branches/zlp_20240306/engine/src/gameplay/mosprop/src/prop_desc.cpp, its corresponding merge_source is /products/xy1/develop/mos2/server/branches/zlp_20240306. However, due to the fact that the for-loop does not guarantee order, if merge_source_fspath first matches /products/xy1/develop/mos2/server, it will still proceed with the subsequent processing because of the common prefix, eventually obtaining an incorrect relative path merge_source_rel_target, leading to an incorrect judgment in the subsequent steps.

One modification approach is, since when calling logs_for_mergeinfo_rangelist in the svn_client__mergeinfo_log function, the revision range of master_inheritable_rangelist is used:
--- a/ext/Subversion/subversion/libsvn_client/mergeinfo.c
+++ b/ext/Subversion/subversion/libsvn_client/mergeinfo.c
@@ -2139,6 +2139,7 @@ svn_client__mergeinfo_log(svn_boolean_t finding_merged,
          const char *key = apr_hash_this_key(hi);
          svn_rangelist_t *subtree_merged_rangelist = apr_hash_this_val(hi);
          svn_rangelist_t *intersecting_rangelist;
+          svn_rangelist_t *intersecting_rangelist_merge_source_filter;

@@ -2146,7 +2147,13 @@ svn_client__mergeinfo_log(svn_boolean_t finding_merged,
                                          FALSE, iterpool));

-          APR_ARRAY_PUSH(merge_source_fspaths, const char *) = key;
+          SVN_ERR(svn_rangelist_intersect(&intersecting_rangelist_merge_source_filter,
+                                          master_inheritable_rangelist,
+                                          subtree_merged_rangelist,
+                                          FALSE, iterpool));
+          if (intersecting_rangelist_merge_source_filter->nelts)
+            APR_ARRAY_PUSH(merge_source_fspaths, const char *) = key;

          if (intersecting_rangelist->nelts)
            log_target = key;

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