Hi, thank you for quick response.
I would say this is kind of gray zone. I don't want svn:ignore to be inherited to all the subfolders. Not at all. For what svn:global-ignores would be then? I only think when something is inherited then it is automatically applied. What else would be the meaning of word "inheritance"? In my eyes parameter --show-inherited-props should only list properties which are really inherited. Documentation here says: ...the patterns found in the svn:ignore property apply only to the directory on which that property is set, and not to any of its subdirectories. https://svnbook.red-bean.com/nightly/en/svn.advanced.props.special.ignore. html On the other hand svn proplist --help says: --show-inherited-props : retrieve properties set on parents of the target Not a word about inheritance. Dan ---------- Původní e-mail ---------- Od: Daniel Sahlberg <daniel.l.sahlb...@gmail.com> Komu: Xsawer xsawer <xxsa...@seznam.cz> Kopie: users@subversion.apache.org Datum: 20. 3. 2023 18:36:02 Předmět: Re: Property svn:ignore reported as inherited by svn proplist " Den mån 20 mars 2023 kl 17:39 skrev Xsawer xsawer <xxsa...@seznam.cz (mailto:xxsa...@seznam.cz)>: " Hi, Say I have following folder structure: main - config Folder main has set property svn:ignore to: abc def ghi Folder config has no properties set. Property svn:ignore is not inheritable. I am wondering why is property svn:ignore reported as inherited from folder main when querying e.g. via svn proplist config --show-inherited-props Here is the output: svn proplist config --show-inherited-props Inherited properties on 'config', from '/tmp/main': svn:ignore Isn't it a bug? " Hi, There is some information in the Subversion book[1], in particular the (i)- box towards the end of the section. In short: The --show-inherited-props only figure out what properties are listed for the parent(s) of the current path, but it doesn't automatically mean that a property is applied on a subdirectory (as you have already figured out). Now, we can regard this as a bug or as "works as intended". I can see a point in svn:ignore being applied also to subdirectories, however this will mean a change in behaviour between how older and newer versions of the Subversion client work with a particular repository and I suppose this was the reason why it was decided not to have all properties apply to subdirectories. The svn:global-ignores property [2] should be applied to any subdirectories, so if you switch to this property you will probably get the behaviour you are looking for. Kind regards, Daniel [1] https://svnbook.red-bean.com/nightly/en/svn.advanced.props.html#svn. advanced.props.inheritable (https://svnbook.red-bean.com/nightly/en/svn.advanced.props.html#svn.advanced.props.inheritable) [2] https://svnbook.red-bean.com/nightly/en/svn.advanced.props.html#svn. advanced.props.ref.versioned (https://svnbook.red-bean.com/nightly/en/svn.advanced.props.html#svn.advanced.props.ref.versioned) "