Hi Daniel,

Thank you for you explanation.
I wrote a data extractor python script that call 'svnlook changed' and 'svnlook 
cat' on valid revs files.
I sucessfully get back all data that do not depends on previous commits lost.
Thank you for your help.

I have one last question regarding how svn tags are managed internally in fsfs.
Is svn tag considered as a PLAIN data independant of previous revs or not ?


-----Message d'origine-----
De : Daniel Shahaf <d...@daniel.shahaf.name> 
Envoyé : vendredi, mars 5, 2021 17:34
À : Jean-Baptiste DUBOIS <jbdub...@groupe-atlantic.com>
Cc : users@subversion.apache.org; Philippe DEMOUSTIER 
Objet : Re: Restoring svn database

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Jean-Baptiste DUBOIS wrote on Fri, Mar 05, 2021 at 11:04:01 +0000:
> Inside the 'db' folder we have 'rev', 'revprops' 'transactions' folder 
> contains files.

revs/ is where file content lives.  See subversion/libsvn_fs_fs/structure.
(You can read it in trunk too: it covers all FSFS formats, not only the newest 

> Some files are missing but the company told us that all files 
> recovered are fully recovered (ie: file integrity is OK).

That's good.  It's also a very different question than the one Philippe asked.

> I know that we could not restore the entire database, but can we 
> extract some 'SVN plain data' from file in 'revs' folder
> Hereunder a view of thoses files (ordered by Size) ...
> [revs]

For future reference, text is preferable to images.  Copying the output of 
`dir` would have been easier for us to consume.

> Is it possible to detect plain data with no dependency on previous revs 
> inside these 'revs' files and extract them ?

Yes.  In your case it'll actually be a four-liner loop in the scripting 
language of your choice, but I'll give the full answer.

Let's take an example format-2 revision file:

% rm -rf r
% svnadmin create r --compatible-version=1.4 % cat r/db/format
% for i in {1..$(wc -l < ${fn::=~/src/svn/trunk/README})} ; do svnmucc -mm -U 
file://$(pwd)/r put =(head -$i $fn) iota$((i % 2)) ; done > /dev/null % 
cat_the_youngest_revision_file() { < r/db/revs/*(.om[1]) LC_ALL=C sed -e 's/[^ 
-~]/X/g' } # translate any octets other than printable ASCII to "X"
% cat_the_youngest_revision_file | nl -ba
     1  DELTA 82 0 331
     2  SVNXXXXX%XX(XXXXXXX&X&      Finally, be sure to see Appendix B in the 
Subversion Book.  It
     3        contains a very quick overview of the major differences between
     4        CVS and Subversion.
     6  ENDREP
     7  id: 2.0.r86/210
     8  type: file
     9  pred: 2.0.r84/183
    10  count: 42
    11  text: 86 0 188 2341 c09759b8da81bf3e23647f4c517abbe0
    12  cpath: /iota0
    13  copyroot: 0 /
    15  PLAIN
    16  K 5
    17  iota0
    18  V 16
    19  file 2.0.r86/210
    20  K 5
    21  iota1
    22  V 16
    23  file 1.0.r85/210
    24  END
    25  ENDREP
    26  id: 0.0.r86/428
    27  type: dir
    28  pred: 0.0.r85/428
    29  count: 86
    30  text: 86 347 68 68 d3f8fb2002e019614ec0e47c79e2ac4c
    31  cpath: /
    32  copyroot: 0 /
    34  2.0.t85-1 modify true false /iota0
    37  428 558

(Aside: As an f8 repository, the svndiff delta would contain only the last line 
of README, rather than the last three lines as in this

The parts you're interested in are:

- "DELTA %ld %ld %ld" lines (e.g., the «82» on line 1)

- "text:" and "props:" lines (e.g., the «86» on line 11)

- "DELTA\n" lines (without numbers)

- "PLAIN\n" lines

In the first two cases, the first number on the line identifies the revision 
number in which depended-on data is found.  See the aforementioned «structure» 
file for details.  The last two cases identify data that's present inline.

Using this information, you could build a DAG of reachable reps (a "rep"
is the thing between the "DELTA" or "PLAIN" line and the "ENDREP" line) and 
extract them.  However, since you're on format 2, there's an easier way.

Format 2 doesn't support rep-sharing and doesn't deltify directory reps, so 
simply running `svnlook changed -r 86` and then `svnlook cat -r 86` against 
each file printed thereby should extract everything extractable.
Any given `svn cat` invocation might fail if a DELTA line refers to a revision 
whose rev files has been lost.  ("text:" and "props:" lines will always point 
into the rev file they themselves are in.)

Use `svnlook propget` in addition to `svn cat` to extract versioned properties. 
 svn_hash_read2() will parse the format.  (It's a public API and likely 
available via the bindings as well, but if needed, I happen to have posted a 
pure Python implementation of that last week:

Note: that's `svnlook cat -r`, not `svn cat -r`.  The difference
matters: -r to svnlook denotes a peg revision, not an operational revision.  
(Also, using svnlook(1) bypasses several layers of API.)

In newer formats, where directory reps may be deltified, it's possible to get a 
case such as .
    r10: mkdir /A
    r20: add /A/foo
    r30: add /A/bar
with r20 lost.  In this case, if the rep of /A in r30 happened to depend on the 
rep of /A in r20, `svn ls ^/A@30` and `svn cat` of files thereunder would both 
fail.  However, if one figured out the location of /A/bar's node-rev header or 
rep, one could still read those directly, using the appropriate internal APIs.



> I try to used and patched the fsfsverify.py script without success.
> BR,
> Jean-Baptiste.
> -----Message d'origine-----
> De : Daniel Shahaf <d...@daniel.shahaf.name> Envoyé : mercredi, mars 3, 
> 2021 22:22 À : users@subversion.apache.org Cc : Philippe DEMOUSTIER 
> <pdemoust...@groupe-atlantic.com>; Jean-Baptiste DUBOIS 
> <jbdub...@groupe-atlantic.com> Objet : Re: Restoring svn database
> Stefan Sperling wrote on Wed, Mar 03, 2021 at 11:15:26 +0100:
> > On Wed, Mar 03, 2021 at 08:03:08AM +0000, Philippe DEMOUSTIER wrote:
> > > Following an issue on our servers, we lost approximatively 30% of our svn 
> > > database.
> > > Admin dump fails so we're trying to restore some data manually.
> _Which_ 30% did you lose?
> > > How can we restore data between SVN and ENDREP tags ?
> > >
> > > DELTA 30834 15564 155
> > > SVN xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx ENDREP
> > >
> > > Many thanks for your help,
> > > Philippe
> >
> > Hi Philippe,
> >
> > I am afraid the short answer is that you will need to restore your 
> > repository
> > from backups. If you cannot do that, then you have now learned the 
> > hard way
> > that an important SVN repository needs to be backed up. The data is gone.
> >
> > It is virtually impossible to restore the missing data manually.
> Well, it depends.
> If the data is part of a directory rep, it may be possible to
> reconstruct the directory rep from the node-rev headers in the same 
> rev
> file.  Moreover, even if the directory rep isn't reconstructed at all,
> so long as the file content reps are intact, extracting those into 
> files
> might still be useful, even though that wouldn't restore filenames.  
> For
> filenames, one could consult the changed-paths section of the rev 
> file,
> commit notifications, TortoiseSVN log caches (if those cache 
> changed-paths
> info?), log messages, git-svn(1) mirrors, and even nearby cpath 
> node-rev
> headers.
> If the data is part of a property rep, it may be acceptable to accept
> the loss of those properties and restore the remaining data.
> Even if the data is part of a content rep, that isn't necessarily game
> over insofar as later revisions of the same file are concerned: it's
> likely that some later revisions will be able to be reconstructed
> despite the loss of one interim rep.  (Because of skip-deltas and,
> IIUC, max-linear-deltification)
> > This data is sometimes full text, sometimes deltified content.
> Philippe specified that the data starts with "SVN", so it's unlikely 
> to
> be a full text.  It might be a self-delta, but it's most probably just
> a regular delta.
> > The only way to generate
> > equivalent data is to replay all the commits that have occurred 
> > throughout
> > repository history. The tool 'svnadmin load' can do this, provided 
> > you have
> > previously saved a dump file of the repository to backup storage 
> > when the
> > repository was still in a healthy condition.
> It's not that simple.  Nothing guarantees that the lost rep and the 
> rep
> resulting from the load would be the same length.  One would have to
> check the lengths manually and deal with the differences.
> > Going forward, you should consider saving repository dump files to 
> > backup
> > storage, or saving backup copies of your repositories with tools 
> > such as
> > 'svnadmin hotcopy' or 'svnsync'  For more information, see this page:
> > http://svnbook.red-bean.com/nightly/en/svn.reposadmin.maint.html#svn
> > .reposadmin.maint.backup
> +1
> Cheers,
> Daniel

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