I've got a svn server running on a linux VPS. It works, but it is often very very slow... like, 15 minutes to commit a 5 MB file. Often it times out completely, and we have to svn cleanup and try again.

There is nothing else running on that virtual machine, and we've checked with the hosting company, and they claim they are not throttling our bandwidth. I believe it's probably something wrong with our configuration. Also we're connecting via https, because that's the protocol I'm most familiar with, but some other protocol might be better (I know the http layer brings its own limitations). I lack the time, and mostly lack the background, to figure this out myself.

I'm looking to hire somebody who knows this stuff like the back of their hand, to spend a few hours checking our setup, maybe helping us switch to another protocol, and generally making svn run like the champ that I know it can be.

(For what it's worth, I use command-line svn on Macs, and others on the team are using TortoiseSVN on Windows.)

Thank you,
- Joe

Joe Strout
Luminary Apps, LLC

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