We've also experienced the exact same issue after upgrading from 9.6.1 to
9.7.0.  We had tried setting
-Dorg.apache.lucene.store.MMapDirectory.enableMemorySegments=false after
reading a post from David Smiley and following that eventually through to
some project in GitHub, but that did nothing.

We also noticed the number of InterruptsPerSecond grew tremendously with
the CPU increase (and response times), perhaps that provides some sort of
clue as to what the cause of the issue is.  We're running JDK 21 on AWS
Linux 2023.

We've been eagerly awaiting 9.7.0 for some of the vector search
improvements, would really hate to fall back to 9.6.1.

On Fri, Nov 29, 2024 at 9:43 AM Patrik Peng
<patrik.p...@hostpoint.ch.invalid> wrote:

> 9.6.1 to 9.7.0

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