
I've been trying to use Gradle to start a Solr instance, create a core, and
then shut down the instance. I'm doing this to produce an installer to
deploy a preconfigured deployment of Nutch, along with Hadoop and
Solr, onto Windows machines. I've been trying a variety of approaches and
have realized I have no idea how to do this. Is there an existing example
that is known to work? Below is my initial code. It seemed an obvious
approach, but after days of making changes to it involving nesting
operations into bat scripts, trying API calls, and even kill commands, I
realized it was probably a completely wrong approach.

Thanks in advance,

P.S. I run this via "gradle setupAndCreateCore --info --stacktrace", where
the solar distribution is in a ./solr directory from the build.gradle file.

plugins {
    id 'base' // Base plugin for lifecycle tasks

// def solrHome = "$buildDir/solr"  // Define a working directory for Solr
def solrHome = "$projectDir/solr"  // Define a working directory for Solr

def solrPort = 8983

def solrCoreName = "nutch"
def solrConfigDir = "server/solr/configsets/nutch/conf"

def solrExecutable = "${solrHome}/bin/solr.cmd" // Use bin/solr for

// Task to download and extract Solr if necessary
task setupSolr {
    description = 'Sets up Solr directory if not already set up.'
    doLast {
        println "Ensure Solr is installed and accessible."

// Task to start the Solr instance
task startSolr(dependsOn: setupSolr) {
    description = 'Starts the Solr instance.'
    doLast {
        exec {
            workingDir solrHome
            commandLine solrExecutable, 'start', '-p', solrPort.toString()

// Task to create a new core
task createCore(dependsOn: startSolr) {
    description = 'Creates a new Solr core.'
    doLast {
        exec {
            workingDir solrHome
            commandLine solrExecutable, 'create', '-p',
solrPort.toString(), '-c', solrCoreName, '-d', solrConfigDir

// Task to stop the Solr instance
task stopSolr {
    description = 'Stops the Solr instance.'
    doLast {
        exec {
            workingDir solrHome
            commandLine solrExecutable, 'stop', '-p', solrPort.toString()

// A lifecycle task to handle all operations
task setupAndCreateCore {
    description = 'Sets up Solr, starts it, creates the core, and shuts it
    dependsOn startSolr, createCore, stopSolr

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