Using an ssd would be kind of like replacing the disk with ram and run 
relatively fast, 

> On Dec 8, 2024, at 1:21 AM, ufuk yılmaz <> wrote:
> There is a demo/trial environment where I’m trying to run many very small 
> Solrs, each with a single core and only a few documents.
> I limited the heap as much as I can without crashing due to OOM during the 
> operations I require, via mostly trial and error. But it seems nowadays 
> off-heap memory is as important as heap if not more, because even with a very 
> limited heap, I’m noticing total memory usage creeping up to 3x-5x the heap 
> amount.
> I’m wondering if you have any tips on how to run Solr with very little RAM 
> and how to especially reduce all kinds of off-heap memory.
> -ufuk yilmaz
> —

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